Meeting the Andersons

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I unlocked my door and dragged myself into my house. I couldnt go for my second shift job at the library today cause I had to meet the Andersons.

As per Oliver's instruction,I had to get ready by 5pm. So I pulled out my maroon yoke-waist skirt and beige coloured full sleeved blouse from my closet. Next, I rummaged through my drawers for the matching earrings and necklace and found the ruby set my parents gifted to my on my 16th birthday before they died. I wiped away the tears as I placed the jewellery set on my table. I went for a quick shower and curled the ends of my hair lightly before tying them up in a girly ponytail.

After changing into my skirt and blouse, I decided to do my makeup. Im not a fan of makeup but the dark circles around my eyes had to be concealed so that I wont look like a homeless child that Oliver rescued. My eyes were kind of red from the lack of sleep, thanks to my future fake husband that I reached home around midnight yesterday. Yes,I got lost by taking the wrong bus but luckily a kind aunty told me the directions back home. After reaching home,all I had for sleep was 5 hours before I had to wake up for work.

I applied some mascara and lipstick before checking the mirror one more time. I grabbed my phone , a pack of tissue and my wallet before heading out.

The time was exactly 4.59pm and I heard the doorbell ring as I was about to reach the door. Of course,it would be Oliver , I secretly admired his punctuality and how he was a man of his words but I wouldnt want to tell that openly. After yesterday's incident,I was determined to not talk to him.

I opened to the door and closed it after getting out,totally ignoring the 6 foot figure standing infront of me with his neatly ironed business shirt and pants . I strode towards the car and sat beside the front seat. Oliver looked rather suprised by my actions. He came back to the car and started driving it smoothly. It took me a lot of restraint to admire how his hands turned the steering wheel of the car while driving, the elegance and classiness was never lost in his moves even if his eyes were on the road.

He cleared his throat halfway along the drive causing me to turn towards him and stare into his face's side profile .

"What time did you reach home yesterday?" He asked gently.

I pressed my lips to prevent myself from accidentally replying him.

"Natalie, Im asking you a question." He repeated with some annoyance surfacing.

I remained quiet again. And I think Oliver gave up after that and diverted his attention back to the road.

After sometime,we reached the Anderson's Mansion. It was huge with its white majestic exterior. I was marvelled by its beauty until Oliver came beside me.

Oliver led the way to the main door and he rang the bell. The door opened revealing Harry Anderson. He embraced me almost immediately when he saw me. It reminded me of all the meetings we have had and how he has been my good friend over these years.

"Hi dad" Oliver greeted him.

Harry released me from his warm embrace and patted his son's shoulder . We went to the living room which was the size of 5 apartments. There we saw a lady who looked like she was my age. And looking at her features which were similar to Oliver, I identified her as Giovanna Erin Anderson, Oliver's younger sister. Giovanna was already married and she had a daughter who was about 2 years old. Her husband was one of the leading lawyers in US, Timothy Arrows. Giovanna and Timothy gave me a warm smile. Giovanna came towards Oliver and pulled his left ear in a very playful way.

"You were late, Oli. And how about introduce this beautiful woman you have with you ?" She asked as she giggled.

"Sorry about that, Gee. This is Natalie Dovers, my girlfriend and my would-be. And Love,this is my sister." Oliver said as he rubbed his ear in pain. I was shocked at the endearment that Oliver added in his sentence earlier but then I remembered that no one knows about the deal. They are under the impression that Oliver and I are madly in love.

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