Love Thy Neighbours

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You know sometimes when you really want to forget something, it doesnt even disappear from your thoughts for even a second?
Thats how I feel everytime I go home.

Everytime I see Skyler Nathaniel Anderson.

Skyler is my son,the child Oliver disregarded. But Universe is such a great conspirer, Skyler looks exactly like Oliver.
His blue eyes, sharp nose, tanned skin and cute little smirk. He even is as hot tempered as Oliver. He is only reason why a part of me still remembers Oliver. If not, I would have totally forgotten that idiot.

Isabella was the one who forced me to give Skyler "Anderson" as his last name. She told that even if I have removed "Anderson" from my last name, I should not do it to my son cause one day Oliver will come around etc,etc and ect.

Honestly,I dont believe Oliver will come back. In these 3 years, he has not even bothered showing his face to me. The only times I get a glimpse of his face is when he gets interviewed for the outstanding performance of his company. And I dont want him to come back either, this life Im having now is good. Maybe not as good as when I used to hug Oliver every night but its still perfect with Skyler filling it up.

"Missing someone?" I heard a husky voice behind.

"Seb?" I turned to look at Sebastian in my condo.

"Ohh when did you come?" I adjusted my hair.

"Just now. Your son opened the door in a jiffy the moment he saw me." He chuckled.

"Of course he did. He loves you. Sorry I was just thinking of something." I walked to the kitchen and putting the water to boil.

"Yeah everyone loves me except for one person." Sebastian frowned.

"Oh please you sound lovesick. Tell who the person is,I will tell her to love you and marry you. You are such a great catch. Any girl would be lucky to have you." I let the tea bags soak in the hot water.

"When the time comes, I will tell." He opened the fridge.

"Seb, have you seen Skyler?" I looked around. The house was oddly quiet.

"Nope." Sebastian searched with me.

We both walked out to the dinning area to see Skyler looking intently outside the door.

"Skyler,what are you doing?" I carried him up.

"New friends." He mumbled still smiling at the neighbour's door.
I saw no one there .

"Skyler havent I told you to stop talking to strangers. " I chided.
He immediately frowned.

"Nancy, stop scolding. Dont we all know that he is a social butterfly." Sebastian intruded.

"Natalie" I snapped.

"And he is just 3. He cant differentiate between good and bad people. Even I couldnt." I recalled the past.

"Sorry mum." Skyler hugged me, melting away all the anger that had built up.

"Alright. Now go and sleep. I will join you soon." I kissed Skyler.

Sebastian gave him a hug too .
"Seb, lets have some tea before you go" I passed him a cup of tea.
"Isnt it a bit too late for tea now. Its 10pm. And I just came to give you this ring that somehow slipped off your finger during lunch. It looks grand though." He passed me the ring.
My wedding ring. I got it from Sebastian and wore it on my ring finger.
For some reason, I never felt like taking it out. A part of me never allowed me to.

"Thank you Seb. I got it last time from a person who meant a lot to me." I smiled a bit before bitterness took over.

Sebastian seemed a bit lost in thoughts but soon bade farewell.
"Natalie, guess what I saw when I dropped Skyler back at your house??" Isabella was pratically squealing on the phone.

"What?" I asked not giving it much of a thought.

"Your new neighbours!! Two really goodlooking hunks. Really really hot. And guess what? They live just opposite you. Bet you are having a good time looking at them everyday. Let me stay over in your house ,please." She added on.

"Never seen them. But I caught Skyler smiling at someone just now. And Isabella, I thought you are engaged with Danny. You know, the guy who works with me. Remember how you used to follow me to work just to ogle at him?? " I laughed.

"Woman please. I am trying to get one of those two guys to hook up with you. Love Thy Neighbour ehhhh." She teased.

"Not interested." I shrugged off.

"Wait till you see them. You will be camping at their house daily."

"No way." I rolled my eyes hoping somehow she would sense it.

"Whatever. Need to go to the bedroom before Skyler wakes up and cries thinking there is a monster under his bed." I ended the call.

There is no way Im falling for someone new. The wounds from the past are still bleeding.
Cant have myself hurt again.

A/N : Introducing SKYLER to you guys!! Natalie has a son with her. She also has memories of Oliver with her.
Who is shipping her with Sebastian?
Who is shipping her some two hunks she has yet to meet?
And... who is still shipping her with Oliver?
Leave your comments below !! I REALLY LOVE SEEING YOUR COMMENTS!!
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Mrs Oliver Jarvis Anderson [Wattys 2015]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora