Chapter 15

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And this where broken hearts go ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I walk out of Axels room, dressed and ready to go to school. I walk into the kitchen and find all three of them around the counter eating. When Axel spots me he walks over to me and gives me a kiss.
" How are you feeling? " he asks.
" Horrible " I say looking down at my hands. Everything from last night floods through my mind for who knows what time again today. I look up and see the slight bruise on Axels left cheek and reach up and touch it a little.
" Does it hurt? " He shakes his head no and I just nod.
" Hey Ember wanna eat something? " Hunter asks from the counter.
" I guess... Do you guys have yogurt? " I ask them. Crash gets up and goes to the fridge and rummages through it. After a minute he tosses me a yogurt and I give him an appreciative smile. I go and take a seat by them around the counter and Axel sits beside me putting his hand on my thigh. I eat in silence as the guys go into a conversation about I don't know what. After a few more minutes we head to school.

Axel parks his car and we get out and start to head into the school. Axel entwines his fingers with mine and gives me a quick kiss on the forehead. " What is it with you and kissing me so much? " I ask playfully giving him a grin.
" What I can't kiss my girlfriend next thing I know you say that I can't have s- " he starts but I cut him off by hitting him the stomach.
" Shut up Axel " I say between laughter. He just gives me a grin and we continue walking down the hall. I look around and I see everyone is staring at us. I hide a little behind Axel who doesn't seem to care. He stops walking and it catches me off guard and before I ask why I notice we're outside my home room.
" I'll see you at lunch "
" Maybe if you come sit with me and my friends " I say leaning a bit closer to him.
" That could be arranged "
He leans down and gives me a kiss on the lips, pushing me against the lockers and deepens the kiss when I gasp by entering my mouth. His kisses trail to my neck and before it gets to anything else I place my hands on his chest and push him back a little.
" Axel we're in school " I say to him looking around to see if anyone saw that.
" So " he says and kisses me again. It takes all my willpower to break it.
" So I don't want to get in trouble " I say taking a step away from him. He pouts before saying a quick okay and pulls me into a hug.
" See you later " he says as he kisses my head. I smile up at him and before going into the classroom. I start to make my way over to the girls when Crash stops me.
" Ember can I um have a word with you " he says awkwardly.
" Sure " I say taking a seat next to him.
" Okay well you see Axel isn't really used to the whole relationship thing. He's used to just fucking with girls and he wouldn't even have a second thought about how it would be afterwards. He would just leave them but now with you he seems different... Like he's actually changing. You are changing him and it seems that he's falling for you"
" Would it actually hurt to say that maybe I'm also falling for him? " I say looking down at my hands. I'm so confused I thought that I liked Harry but after last night I just don't know anymore. I look up at the ceiling, blinking away the tears that were welling up in my eyes. Just then the bell rings and when I get up to leave Crash stops me.
" Hey are you okay? " he asks me. I just nod and he pulls me into a hug resting his chin on the top my head. I laugh at his sudden actions and I pull away giving him a smile before heading to class.

The day has passed by quickly and before I know it I'm walking into the cafeteria. I head to our table after I get my lunch and sit down. I say a quick hi to the girls before I start to eat. I look up to see they're all staring at me.
" Hi... Hi that's you have to say to us. " Blake says quickly. I give them a confused look and they just stare at me waiting for me to speak.
" What? " I say.
" Oh you know you just walk into school holding hands with Axel and someone sees you guys intensely making out in the hallway and you don't say anything to us but a simple Hi! " Blue lets out.
" Oh that will see is that well we're dating now "
" Dating? " Lily says.
" Yeah you know where two people call each other boyfriend and girlfriend and they hold hands and do things. " I say sarcastically to them.
" Have you guys you know done things? " Blue asks. I don't answer I just look down at my tray with a grin on my face.
" Oh my god! You guys have! " she shouts.
" Shhhh " I say looking around to see if anybody saw her little outburst.
" Sorry " she says giving me a sheepish grin. We just laugh at how red she's turning before we get interrupted.
" Hey you're new here right? My names Drew " says a tall tan guy leaning against the table with light brown hair and blue eyes.
" Um hi " I say with a smile.
" So I want to see if you'd like to go out some time "
" You know what I'd love to but you see there's this problem. "
" What is it maybe we can fix it. " he says with a smirk.
" You " I say and he gives me a confused look. " You see you aren't my type. " I say with a shrug of my shoulders.
" Then what is your type? "
" My boyfriend who seems a bit angry that you're talking to me right now " I say as I nod my head to Axel who is making his way over to us with an angry look on his face. I hear Drew mutter a small 'shit' under his breath when he sees Axel.
Axel grabs him by the collar of his shirt before saying " Get near her again and I'll make sure you won't be able to see the next minute. Understand. " Drew nods his head and Axel shoves him to the side. " Good. Now get out of my sight " Axel says and Drew walks away quickly.
Axel turns to me with a smile on his face which probably matches mine. " Hey babe " he says before roughly kissing me. I couldn't help but laugh into the kiss and Axel just starts to laugh also.
"Girls this is Axel Crash and Hunter." I say pointing to each of the boys. The girls fidget in there seats and wave. I roll my eyes. And we take a seat at our table. My phone buzzes and Gemmas name flashes across the screen. I click on the message. She texted me all last night asking me what was wrong? What happened? And a bunch of other things I haven't replied to any of them I feel bad that she and her parents have to be put through this its not fair for them or anyone not even me or him. I realize that I've been staring at my phone for awhile when I see everyone looking at me with a confused expression. "What?" I ask. It coming out a lot ruder than I expected. They all shake there heads and go back to there own conversations.Hunter hitting on Blue and Lily, I catch Crash and Blake making goggly eyes at each other.
I lean over into Axels ear."aww look I think our friends are in love." I say with a chuckle. He looks at me and rolls his eyes. The bell rings dismissing us from lunch. Axel and I walk to our next class. I hate when people stare at us I really don't see what the big deal is its just Axel well he not just Axel but whatever. The rest of the day goes by smoothly. Hunter is like overly happy today and as we walk to the car he keeps bugging me to help him out and hook him up with one of the girls and each time I tell him no.
" No Hunter! " I say for the hundredth time as we reach Axels car. Crash and Axel give us a confused look.
" Tell your little brother that I will not hook him up with one of my friends " I say to Axel who just busts out laughing along with Crash. Hunter and I look at each other confused at their sudden laughter.
" You honestly think you have a chance with one of them. " Crash states after they sober up from their laughter. Hunter frowns and I chuckle a little. We pull up to their house and go inside. Crash and Hunter head to kitchen while Axel and I head to Axels room. I lay on his bed looking up at the ceiling. Axel sits up against the headboard and I shift my head to his lap and he starts running his fingers through my hair.
" Ember " he says after a few minutes.
" hmm " is all I respond with shifting my gaze to look at him.
" Maybe you should go back. "
" Back where? " I say furrowing my eyebrows in confusion.
" Back to your exchange house with Anne and Robin. " I sit up quickly and look at him in the eyes but he won't meet mine.
" What? " is all I say.
" I mean all your stuff is there and you staying here won't be good for you since it's pretty shitty here. " he says to his hands.
" No it's not I like it here. "
" You say that because he isn't here. " Axel says and I know that the he he's talking about is Harry.
" No I'm not I'm saying it because I actually like it here being with you someone who understands me unlike them who just give me sympathetic looks and are waiting for me to break down. " I say out of breath, by now I've stood up from the bed and started to pace around the room.
" Hey I just want what's best for you " he says placing his hands on my shoulders to stop my pacing.
" Who say the best for me isn't here " I retort.
" I never said that either just that right now what's best for you is to go back. "
" Why are you doing this? "
" Because I lo- care about you " I just embrace him trying to hide my shock that he was about to say that he loves me. Does he love me? I mean Crash said he was maybe falling for me.
" Come on let's get you back. " he says into my hair. I nod my head and let go of him.
" What made you want to take me back."
" Like I said I care about and want what's best for you. " he says hesitantly like he's hiding some thing. I just nod my head and gather my things. We head to his car and he pulls out of the driveway. The whole way back is spent in silence with just the Arctic Monkeys playing on the car stereo.

We reach Harry's house and we sit in the car just staring at the house. After a while Axel gets out and I don't even notice that he's opened my door. I look up at him before unbuckling myself from the seatbelt and grabbing my things. We walk up the steps and before I open the door I turn to Axel. "Please come inside just for a little bit." I say to him.
" I don't think that's a good idea "
" Please " I plead
" Okay " he says with a sigh. We step inside and I hear Anne's voice " Harry is that you? " she questions. She comes out from the kitchen and I answer " Um no it's me " I say with a small smile.
" Ember sweetie! " she says as she quickly makes her way over to me and embraces me into a hug. She holds me at arms length and tears well up in her eyes. " Are you okay? " she asks.
" Yeah I had Axel " I say turning to look at Axel who seems to look uncomfortable. He gives us a small smile.
" I think I should be going now. " he says pointing towards the door. I nod my head and make my way over to him. I give him a hug and before he walks out he gives me a gentle kiss on the lips. " I'll be here tomorrow to pick you up and drive you to school. " he says and I give him a small nod and he makes his way to his car. I watch as he drives away before closing the door. I turn back to Anne who just gives me a smile.
" Do you want to eat ? " she asks. I nod my head and we make our way over to the kitchen. I sit at the counter as she serves me a plate of what seems to be Chicken Alfredo and she hands it to me.

I finish eating in silence. Anne left after she noticed I wasn't up for conversation. I put my plate in the sink and start to head upstairs but before I reach the stairs the front door opens and I turn around to look at the door as I hear laughter fill the room. It seems like I'm glued to the floor when I see that it's Harry walking in but he's not by himself. Alice also walks in but with her hand intwined with his.

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