Chapter 26

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"im going to miss this place, all of the good things and all of the bad things, I'll miss the friends that I've made but most importantly I'll miss you I'll miss you the most and don't you ever forget that, and I want you to know that this isn't goodbye it's more of a see you later." Unpardise

We get back to the house and we start to head upstairs when we hear a voice.
" Where have you two been? " I turn around to find my dad standing there with his arms crossed across his chest.
" Sorry sir we lost track of time and we decided to stay in a hotel since both of us were tired and didn't want to drive. " Styles says quickly as he rubs the back of his neck nervously. My dad looks him up and down before turning to me.
" Sweetie we leave tomorrow morning so you might want to start packing. " he says. I nod my head and walk up the stairs when I'm almost to the top I hear my dad say " Harry can I speak to you for a second. " I turn around only to see Styles nodding his head and walking with dad to the living room. I debate weather or not to listen in but I decide I should start packing. I walk into my room to find Avery sleeping, her hand clutching her phone tightly. I go over and grab a pillow before smacking her in the head. She sits up abruptly looking in all directions. She finally looks at me and sends me a glare before looking down at her phone and starts to text away.
I walk over to her trying to get a look at her phone but she turns it away.
" Avery ... Who are you texting that you fall asleep texting them only to wake up and start to text them again ? " I ask looking at her curiously. Her cheeks turn red before answering.
" I'm texting my mom. " I give her a look knowing that she's lying but don't question her. I go to my closet and pull out my luggage and place it on the bed.
" Hey watch it you almost hit my foot I could've been seriously injured. " Avery says trying to give me a serious look but her smile creeps on to her face.
" Either way you would be able to continue to do everything you do... nothing. " I say with a small chuckle.
" True " she says laughing a little. I turn and start to get clothes from the closet and start to pack them. I'm halfway done when Avery grabs my wrist.
" What the heck did you do yesterday that made you get a tattoo? " she says looking at it closely while running her finger over the letters. A smile forms on lips remembering everything from yesterday to this morning.
" Oh my god... you guys did it! Didn't you?!" She says her eyes going wide. My smile grows and I look down my cheeks blushing a little.
" I need details! " Avery says pulling me onto the bed with her.
" Oh my god Avery it was amazing I can't even describe it. " I say as I remember everything. How every touch made me quiver.
" I can't believe you did it with the Harry Styles! " she says falling into the bed before squealing.
" He's not the Harry Styles to me he's just Styles " I tell her and she squeals louder.
" Seriously you scare me sometimes. " I say to her with a chuckle as she throws a pillow at me. We hear a knock at the door and I shout a " come in. "

Styles walks in a bit flustered as I remember that he just talked to my dad.
" Avery can you give us a minute? " I say to her.
" ugh fine but don't do the dirty " she says getting up and walking towards the door. " well I mean again " she says with a wink before walking out. I grab a pillow and throw at her but it only hits the door behind her.
I turn to Styles only to see him smirking.
" what? " I say as I get up from the bed and walk over to him.
" you told her we did the dirty " he says putting his hands on my hips.
" she kinda figured it out. It's like a best friend thing. " I say with a small smile as I reach up and kiss him.
" mm as much as I'd like to, your father just gave me a talk about treating you right and not to hurt you. " he says pulling away.
" that doesn't mean we can't kiss. " I say to him.
" well the kiss can lead to something else which will lead me to hurting you but you'll be pleasured at the same time. " he says kissing my nose. I blush a little and hit his arm.
I go back to packing and Styles starts to help me. I walk into the closet to get the last articles of clothing and when I step out I see Styles standing there holding one of my lacy underwear with a smirk.
" you'll have to wear these for me sometime. " he says. I just shake my head and grab them from him and stuff them in my luggage. I continue to pack as Styles just sits on the bed looking at me.
" You could've helped you know " I say as I zip up my luggage.
" just trying to take in the last moments I have with you until I can see you again. " he says. I walk over to him and stand in between his legs. He places his hands on my thighs and looks up to me as I bend down and give him a quick kiss.
" I have something for you " he says as he reaches into his pocket and pulls out a necklace with a paper plane charm on it and places it around my neck. I grab it look at it before looking at him.
" it's so you have a piece of me and as long as you have it on it shows how much we love each other. " he says.
" then I'll never take it off " I say as I give him another kiss.
" I love you " we both say at the same time. I smile as I sit on his lap and start to kiss him but before it gets into anything heated there's a knock on the door.
" Hey guys dinners re- oh my god " we hear Avery say as we pull away and see her covering her eyes. She peaks through her fingers and then frowns.
" damn Harry isn't naked " she says.
" that's my boyfriend you're talking about " I say with a small chuckle.
" sorry but I'm fangirl I have to check can't miss an opportunity " she says as she walks out. I shake my head and let out a sigh and turn to Styles who's trying not to laugh.
" don't " I say as I get up and take his hand, pulling him downstairs to the kitchen.
We walk in to find a bunch of pizza boxes in the table top.
" Grab whatever pizza you want and we are watching a movie in the movie room. " Anne says bringing in plates. We all grab different slices before heading upstairs to the movie room. Anne , Robin, and my dad sit in the couch as Avery, Gemma, Styles, and I sit on the floor. Gemma goes through Netflix until we decide to watch Silver Linings Playbook. After I'm done eating I cuddle into Styles and he wraps his arm around me so he can still eat his pizza.
We're half way through the movie when the doorbell rings.
" I'll get it " I say untangling my self from Styles and getting up.

I open the front door to find Axel, Crash, Hunter, Lily, Blue, and Blake standing there.
" What are you guys doing here? " I ask as stare at them.
" It's your last night here and we want to take you out. " Blake says pouting a little while grabbing my hands slightly pulling me outside.
" I'm going to have to ask. " I say with a small chuckle.
" okay and ask Avery if she wants to come too" Crash days with smirk.
" oh you'd like that won't you " I say and his cheeks turn slightly pink.
" Come inside. " I say as they pile in and I close the door and head back upstairs and go into the movie room.
" who was it sweetie " both Anne and my dad say.
" sorry habit " Anne says blushing a little.
" it's okay " my dad says with a chuckle.
" um it's my friends and they want to take Avery and me out. " I say tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.
" oh okay you can go. " my dad says turning back to the movie. Avery gets up and walks over to me.
" is Crash here ? " she asks
" yeah " I say giving her a suspicious look.
" okay " she says walking down the stairs. I shake my head as I start to make my way downstairs also.
" December " I hear Styles say and I turn around.
" yeah " I say and walk towards him.
" Is Axel going "
" yeah he's my friend" I say to him. He just nods and pulls me into a hug a presses a small kiss to my lips.
" I love you. " he says.
" I love you too " I say with a smile which he returns before giving me another kiss. I head back downstairs where everyone is waiting.
" Let's go. " Axel says when he sees me and wraps an arm around me while we all pile into two cars. I look at everyone and can't help but already start to miss this place.

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