Chapter 38

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Thinking of you hurts so much because I know you're probably not thinking of me. - unparadise

I slip on my shoes and walk downstairs to the kitchen, grabbing a yogurt and my keys before walking out. When I open the door I find Avery about to knock.
" Oh my god finally I've been calling you all week! " she says frantically.
" Really I didn't notice. " I lie and start to walk towards my car. She stays silent so I turn to look at her and she's giving me a look that she knows I'm lying.
" Look I have a shoot to get to, you want to come? " I say and she nods her head a smile on her lips. We get into the car and I pull out of the driveway trying to eat my yogurt while Avery flips through the radio channels.
" You've haven't given me an answer. " she says deciding to grab the aux cord instead.
" Answer to what? " I ask stopping at a red light.
" You know what. " Avery says sternly. I let out a sigh as the light turns green and I continue down the road.
" I don't know if I want to go. " I say to her pulling into the parking lot.
" There's gonna be a lot of people there I'm pretty sure he won't see you. " she says.
" Fine. " I say and get out the car making my way inside. I hear her rushed footsteps behind me.
" Really? " she asks as we walk in.
" Yeah I guess, when is it again? " I ask as I enter hair and makeup.
" Tomorrow " she says and I give her a are you serious look while she just shrugs her shoulders. I roll my eyes as Aces mom walks in.
" Hello Ember. " she says with a smile and turns to Avery.
" You... I need you, come on. " she says pointing to Avery and then walking out. She gives me a confused look and I just shrug my shoulders before she walks out behind Aces mom.
The lady finishes my makeup and hair and I get changed then head to the set. The shoot goes by faster without Ace being here making me laugh. The thought makes me miss him a little but I shake the feeling as I change back into my clothes.
" Ember! Ember! Ember! " I hear Claire ,a model I've gotten to know lately, say as she rushes to me.
" Hi to you too. " I say with a chuckle as she tries to catch her breath. She hands me a magazine and I flip to the page she has marked as she starts to talk.
" You and Ace lied to me you guys said that you two were just friends but that says otherwise. "
" We are. " I say as I look at the pictures of Ace and me at graduation where he's giving me a piggy back ride. There's many pictures of us and we look... look like a couple.
" Boo I actually like you two together. " she says with a pout and I cringe a little at her comment.
" Oh come on I'm not the only one many of us want you two to get together. It just so cute to see how he makes you laugh at shoots, speaking of which where is he your shoot went faster than usual. " she says looking around.
" Hanging with some friends of mine. We're all meeting later at my friends new apartment. " I say closing the magazine to see her smirking.
" Oh my god I said we all not me and him. " I say rolling my eyes. She lets out a laugh before saying goodbye and heading to her shoot. I look back at the magazine and shake my head thinking if Styles has seen this and what is probably going through his head. God he probably hates me more. I run a hand through my hair as Avery walks in.
" Wow that was fun, man I can't believe this is your job. " she says with wide eyes.
" So I'm guessing Gisele needed you for a shoot? " I say with a chuckle and Avery nods her head frantically. " Okay come on let's get going to the guys new apartment. " I say and we make our way to my car.


" Pass the Cheetos puffs! " Hunter shouts at me and I shove the bag at him.
" We need to get you a gym membership cause if you keep this up you'll be overweight in a few years. " Axel says with a chuckle and Hunter just pats his stomach with a smile. I reach for a pretzel in the bowl on the coffee table but end up knocking over a soda.
" Crap I'm sorry. " I say as I pick up the can. " I'll clean it up. " I get up and go to the kitchen to look for a towel as Axel follows behind me.
" Ember it's okay. " he says as I place the towel under the faucet.
" But I'm still cleaning it up " I say and I turn of the faucet and twist the towel to get excess water out.
" Um Ember... " he trails off and I look up at him.
" What's wrong? " I ask him as I lean against the counter.
" Nothing. " he says shaking his head.
" It's something. "
" it's just that... that Harry came over a few days before we came here... and he asked me if I had talked to you lately and I had said no but that I was coming to live over here so I'd be seeing you soon and that if he had something to say to you but he said no, I didn't understand until I saw him at your house. " he says looking over to Ace who is now semi wrestling with Hunter.
" He's just a friend. " I state looking to Axel.
" Yeah tell Harry that. "
" I've been trying to dammit! " I semi shout and cover my face with my hands when I feel my eyes start to water.
" Hey it's okay. " he says hugging me. We stay like that for awhile as he rubs small circles on my back.
" Does he know? " Axel asks.
" Does who know what? " I ask as I wipe my eyes.
" Ace, about... everything. " he says and it takes me a second to realize what he's talking about until he grabs my hand and runs a thumb over my wrist.
" No, I... I can't find myself to. " I say my voice cracking a bit.
" What about Harry? "
" That he does just that his family was my exchange family and that's how we met. " I say my heart stinging a bit at the thought of Styles. Axel hugs me a bit tighter and continues rubbing circles on my back.
" Am I interrupting something? " we hear someone say and I turn to see Ace standing in the entryway with his arms crossed an angry look in his face that disappears as soon as his eyes land on me.
" Are you okay? What did you do to her? " he says stepping forward his fists clenched tightly.
" Nothing nothing he's just helping me through some... things. " I say stepping in between Axel and Ace wiping the tears on my cheeks.
" I'm gonna clean the soda. " Axel says grabbing the towel and walking to the living room. Ace takes a step towards me but stops.
" I'm sorry I don't know why I acted like that. " he says looking down at his feet.
" It's fine just don't do that again. " I say waving my hands and then looking at him. He has his arms open a nervous smile on his face. I sigh before letting out a small laugh while shaking my head and stepping into his hug but instead he throws me over his shoulder.
" Ace! Put me down! " I shout and pull at his shirt.
" Hey guys! Young here needs to be cheered up! How about ... we tickle her! " he says throwing me onto the couch and everyone jumps onto me and starts to tickle me.
" Oh my god... stop... I can't ... breathe. " I struggle to say and they just laugh at my despair. After awhile they stop and I try to catch my breath.
" Fuck all of you. " I say sitting up and they let out a chuckle.
" Ember this isn't because of the concert tomorrow is it? " Avery asks concern in her voice.
" You're going to the concert? " Axel asks his eyebrows furrowing.
" Yeah I mean like there's gonna be like thousands of people there he isn't gonna notice me. " I say my chest aching a little bit at my own words. " I um think I'm gonna get going. " I say getting up from the couch.
" Here let me walk you out. " Axel says as he follows me to the door.

" Be careful tomorrow. " he says and I know he's talking about the concert.
" I'll be fine " I say unsurely and he just gives me a sympathetic smile. I turn and walk down the flight of stairs to my car.
As I drive home my mind starts to wander. Mostly about Harry and if he will see me tomorrow night. I get rid of the idea, he won't see me we probably have seats in the way back, but a little bit of me hopes that he will see me. I just want to be able to see him.

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