6 ♡ What if?

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Hello everyone!

Luhan and Kris' POV's will appear in the next chapter or the one after that! Please bear with me!

I hope you enjoy this chapter!


Wow. That fan meeting really was something. So many people... so many faces. I wish I could recognise them all and thank them again if they come to see us once more. It's a shame, really.

Honestly, my hands are having continuous cramps from all the signing events today. To be honest, the whole Kris and Jessica thing has been on my mind a bit since I found out about the news. Kris can't be dating Jessica, right?

"If he is, I might get jealous," I think jokingly.

My phone starts vibrating after I get off the plane back to Seoul.

"Yoboseoyo?" I ask, wondering who's on the phone since I barely ever save my contacts. Oops.

"Ige bwoya... you don't even know who I am?" A familiar voice chuckles.

"Ya, Baekhyun Hyung, annyeong!" I say loudly.

"Annyeong. How were the fans today?" He asks.

"There were really nice ones and I'm going home with alot of gifts! But there's some people who came to our event who didn't really like us... I'm scared." I mumble.

"Don't worry, us too. We'll discuss it when we're back in our dorm, okay?" Baekhyun reassures.

"Arraseo. Where are you now? The airport?"

"Yep, about to get picked up to go back to our dorm. See you there."



I'm annoyed and happy at the same time. Who stole my ring? Okay, I love my fans bu- but... this is too much. Kyungsoo helped me try to find it countless times but nothing appeared. I've had it since my debut and it's a shame that it's gone. Disappointingly, there really is nothing I can do about it now.

I called Tao to see how he's doing, wondering if anything was stolen from any of the members. So many things were happening inside my head while I was doing the fansign event. 

I was worried about Kris and Luhan. People kept telling me about how we were fools for "kicking them out". Kicking them out... what nonsense.

And also people told me about Kris and Jessica. Some of them even took out their phones and showed us Jessica's Instagram. It was frustrating, and I couldn't even do anything to avoid it. I just fake smiled the whole time, since I'm known for being very bright and bubbly. I can't let my image change...!

I'm happy we're back in Seoul and it's time to meet up with the other members. We can discuss the plans for the rest of the few weeks. I miss our other members.


We're back at the dorm.

We jump into each others' arms after we see each other, even though it's only been a day and a bit. 

We laugh without even saying anything.

We all are slouched on the couch, without saying a word.

"Ho-" I started before Chanyeol and I both started talking at the same time.

"You first," I say out of politeness.

"Thanks, Hyung. Did you guys see some interesting people?" He asks.

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