20 ♡ A Surprising Visit

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Hello lovelies~ i'm back! Here's the 20th chapter of 'Life Without Two'! Happy reading~



"Luhan!" I shout into the phone, with my jaw dropped to the floor. There's no way... 

"What is it now, Kris?" Luhan replies quickly in a sarcastic yet frantic tone.

"I can't believe it... Tao l-left?" I say in a short breath, still quite stunned about the news that's been spreading across Asia like wildfire. 

"Okay... honestly, I was expecting it. But this makes it even harder for us." Luhan says sternly.

"What do you mean you were expecting it, that kid told me off for leaving first and I was honestly quite offended. Talk about being a hypocrite much?" I argue. "Way to make things easier Tao, and now are plan of attempting to come back to the group may just get a tiny little bit harder. And by tiny, I don't mean tiny, I mean alot harder."

"Maybe we could meet up with Tao? I mean, I'm sure he would want to see you again right?" Luhan says.

"I don't know about that. We'll have to wait and see." I reply.


(1 week later)

Luhan's over at my place again as we discuss what to do with this whole situation with Tao. We're still confused as to how we're going to get back into the group, but we want this to be something that we won't regret, because we really do miss everyone. Even if it takes alot of effort, we want to share the rest of our memories with the band of brothers we promised to stay with forever. I just hope SM doesn't treat us like crap just like every other day of our lives before. The pain is just too much.

A knock is heard from the front door and I raise my eyebrow to Luhan who holds the same expression. I glance at the clock and it's 11:12pm. Who the hell would be knocking on my door at this hour? Are they nuts? What if it's some kind of psycho killer waiting to kill the both of us?

I shuffle my way to the door, with an old baseball bat in my hand, just in case. I turn the knob carefully and look directly down to see a tall and slim shadow which holds the figure of someone familiar. Slowly, I lift up my head to see the one and only Tao. Standing right before me, I really couldn't believe it or now how to react. Luhan and I were going to organise something sooner or later, thinking if he would want to get back in the group like the both of us, but I didn't expect such an appearance so soon.

There was no doubt that I was frozen on the spot and didn't know how to react in an instant. I mean, this kid was my best friend back in the trainee years and debut years, I left the group as my own decision which I admit was selfish as I should of told him, he bashed up on me, and now... he just turns up in front of my door?

We say nothing, we stay silent. We just stare into each others' eyes for a few moments, embracing each other's presence. Finally, he hands me a note and roughly forces it into my hand, while tears are slowly erupting from his eyes. He begins to turn away but I can't let him leave like this. I grab his wrist and pull him into a hug, feeling my shirt starting to get wet because of his tears.

"Hyung..." he muffles nearly inaudibly into my shirt, is breath is shaky and just at that moment, Luhan comes out from the living room door. 

"What is goin- oh my god..." Luhan breaks out into a soft tone, shocked at the sight before him. He approaches the two of us slowly as I let go of Tao, who is now obviously an emotional wreck. We all embrace each other in a group hug once again, and it feels like so long since we've felt the same feeling as of now.

We make our way to the living room, and Tao whispers in my ear, "Read that when you have the time, I wrote it after you left but never showed it to anyone... I hope you know I'm sorry." He gestures his hand to the note he gave to me earlier.

"So, Tao... what Luhan and I will be explaining to you might be a huge shock right now, so prepare yourself," I hesitate before he nods at me and gives me a confused look.

"What is it? Just tell me..." He says.

"Luhan, you tell him."

"Why do I have to?" Luhan whines in a childish voice, and I chuckle at the sight to enlighten the dark mood the atmosphere holds at the moment. "Okay fine. So basically, I guess you could say that all the other members were having a hard time after we left through all the rumours and posts being spread around and after a long time of discussion, Kris and I realised we were feeling the same away about this whole thing. We couldn't even bear thinking about how the rest of EXO, especially EXO-M was coping, with two less people in the group and two less people to lean on for support, and it made us both think how selfish we really are. Most of our days were dark... there was always a piece of missing and it didn't feel the same without all the laughter and hard work we spent with the rest of the boys. Our happiness is being with them and we had to realise that... but now you come out of nowhere and had to leave as we-" I stop Luhan as I press my finger onto his lips signalling him to stop talking no more.

"Okay... let's not bash up on each other here," I warn, giving Luhan a raised eyebrow.

"What did I ever d-"

"Okay just shut up," I say coldly yet jokingly, giving him a fake smile. "So Tao.. the real deal is, we basically want back in. Both of us. So are you in with the plan?"


Hey again! I've decided that this fanfic will be around 25 chapters long. Stay tuned for more, I hope all the boys are feeling well and laughing lots and being happy right now!

Thanks for reading, saranghaeyo

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