11 ♡ "Overthinking"

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Hey guys! Sorry I haven't been updating in a while. Been so busy with school work, and I'm on camp this week too so thank you all for bearing with me.



I just finished vocal training and am now heading over to the dance room. I'm alone, after my own vocal training session. Today's a day full of rehearsing. My vocal cords are getting drained out by the day because of all this strenuous work. Even though I look like some energetic puppy on the outside, I'm tired just like everyone else.

2 hours of vocal training, 3 hours of dance practice. Can it get even more tiring? Yes it can. I forcefully shake my head and mentally slap myself, telling myself to focus. In 2013, we trained way more than this, and I still made it out alive. The number of songs we released that year... it definitely was something.

It's already approaching the middle of February, and time's going way to fast. Sometimes I wish our super powers were real so that Tao could just shift back time from when all twelve of us were together.

I open the doors forcefully that it gave everyone inside the room a shock.

"Whoops, sorry," I say, hollering over to the side of the room and settling down my things.

Kai's fallen fast asleep, and there's no point in waking him up anyway since he got injured from the other day at the gym. His back hasn't fully recovered, and it would just take a few more days. Hopefully he can join us again soon, it looks kind of stupid when there's no one in the middle to dance half the time.

Kyungsoo is sitting next to him, smiling at his face as if he were a baby. Then his expression changed all serious in a blink of an eye.

I chuckled at him and couldn't stop laughing after.

"Ya Kyungsoo, you look so funny... when you stared... at Kai like that..." I say, trying to catch my breath from all the laughing. I rolled on the floor and caught D.O glaring at me, so I stopped as soon as possible and shifted back to my spot.


"Ya jinjja, this person is weird," I snicker as I look over to Chen who is uncontrollably flabbering on the floor. After a few minutes, Baekhyun walks in with Chanyeol behind him, arms slung on each others' shoulders.

"Choreographer is not here, so manager-nim just said to go over what we have already done. Kai do-" Baekhyun halts his words after he sees him sleeping, probably dreaming about some random thing in his own little world. "Okay... well never mind then. C'mon guys, we can do it now so we can get over it and eat something yummy later."

That gets everyone motivated and up on their feet. 

We play through our title track which cannot be mentioned yet for our comeback. It's a total secret for now. 

After small little drink breaks and our feet getting close to collapsing, we all lay on the ground carelessly. Suho hyung gets his phone out with a weird and rather blank expression, and I knew something was going on which not many people knew about.

"Hyung, you look weird right now. What's going on on your phone?" I curiously ask.

"I wanna seee!!! Me!!!! Lemme see hyung!" Tao babbled.

"Woah, woah, woah. Calm down everyone, I forgot to tell you guys that Kris hyung texted me the other day before I went to sleep. He told me not to worry about him and Luhan and they're doing fine. Please just chill... or else you won't get a treat for dinner on me tonight!" Suho uttered in a few long gasps.

"What?!" Six of us say at one time. This is really something. 

What is happening? All of a sudden lately, a bunch of things have been going on around Kris and Luhan... it's almost as much news as right after they left.

"That was it," Suho lightly says, shrugging his shoulders as he begins to walk out of the room.

"Wait wait wait. Hold on.. you're not walking away so easily. This is a matter we need to talk about!" Lay innocently implied.

"Why is everything having to do with Luhan and Kris lately? That's all we've been talking about nowadays... I swear," Chanyeol adds. "And also, I'm sad that Kris didn't text me but he texted you." He says, trying to act sad by pouting.

"You know what? We can discuss this later at dinner or something. I'm out. If you want dinner follow me," Our leader says.

The loud noise of footsteps unexpectedly burst through the room, and we all stampede like a herd of hungry elephants and follow Suho hyung out the building and off for somewhere to eat.


It was kind of awkward discussing what happened about the text that Kris hyung sent, because I was the only one that knew about it apart from Suho hyung himself. I just stood there looking like some stupid clueless lamb... oops.

We're out for ddubboki. The atmosphere is filled with rowdiness amongst the ten of us, "and some of us just can't sit still," I think as I shift my eyes across to the beagle line which consists of Baekhyun, Chanyeol and Chen if you didn't know already. I don't understand how they can have so much energy in them, even after practising for ages. Their company around each other is is like a drug of energy for each other.. 92' liners.

"What do you guys want to even discuss about hyungs anyway?" Suho says, gulping a spoon of food in his mouth.

"We were just curious with what was going on," Kai puts in. 

"What about, though? Kris literally just texted me saying he's okay." Suho replies.

"As Chanyeol said before though, everything keeps revolving around them lately. Do you think they're planning on doing something?" Baekhyun says.

"I doubt it, guys. You're just overthinking."

We continue eating and afterwards go out for some bubble tea, my favourite. This is a slightly rare occasion when all ten of us are here, and we are all in disguises. Luckily, it's late at night and not too many people are up to see us here and take snaps of us and follow us around and what not. It can get a bit hectic sometimes, don't get me wrong.

What stays on my mind though is what Baekhyun said before, and the other members too. What if Kris and Luhan hyung are on to something? Luhan hasn't texted me in ages. Okay, he doesn't text me much, but once in a while he says something short to me anyway.

What's happening?

Whatever it is, I'm going to find out...


Are they right? May the hyungs be planning something?

Sorry I couldn't edit for a while, and this one is a short one!

Thank you for reading, you lovely people! :)

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