8. Power Over Me

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The days passed quickly for Alex, and the Amateur Showcase was rapidly approaching. He focused most of his time practicing and working. When his stitches were out, he started running every morning and practicing his dancing moves for several hours. Then he practiced singing even longer, knowing he needed to learn this new voice and range. He had to push himself to understand his limits.

His look started to evolve as well. He started filling it out. His shoulders were broader and his muscles more pronounced. He no longer looked malnourished and had an attractive layer of muscle covering his body. His shirts stopped overwhelming him and started to become snugger. This was beneficial for his tips at the bar too.

He was out all hours of the day, so the dorm never really saw him. Also, he was asked to leave the vocal and dancing classes because he corrected the instructors too much. He grumbled a little about it because they were legitimately terrible teachers, causing more damage to these artists.

Midway through the week, there were a number of changes. This was his contract expiration date, but Alex fully expected to be jilted by LuxStar, so he had already packed up his dorm.

Nevertheless, he was hopeful for a new agency because the next day was the Amateur Showcase. The day finally arrived when Alex was able to create his waves. He had been working for this day for the last two months. He pushed his body to the brink and changed his diet to protect his voice. All of his healthy habits from his previous life were being fully utilized during this life.

When he arrived at the club, all the workers were encouraging him, knowing that tomorrow was the big day.

However, the atmosphere was a little different in the club. There was more security than usual. Francis pulled him aside and told him that some important people were coming in to celebrate so that they would be busier than usual. Instead of his early practice, he dressed in his uniform and jumped behind the bar a couple of hours early. Francis gave him a grateful look as he started taking orders.

The women cried out, "Ally!" When they saw him and immediately went to his area.

Alex nodded towards them but noticed a group of people at the bar that one dared to approach.  They were mainly in Francis' area, but a few teetered into him, so he made sure to keep an eye on their drinks.

The celebrities were used to Francis waiting on them. They were surprised to see Alex helping him from time to time, even more so when Alex showed no reaction to their status. He seemed to have seen his fill of celebrities and was no longer fazed by them.

A pair of sapphire eyes discreetly followed him from time to time. No one seemed to have noticed the lingering gaze.

Alex was making his way to help more people, but his arm was forcibly grabbed by an older man with red cheeks and a lustful look on his face. He looked Alex up and down, and he licked his lips.

"How about I get your number, handsome." His words were slurred.

Alex pursed his lips. "The only numbers I give are ounces and bills. Which one would you prefer?"

"Don't you know who I am?" The drunk man became angry.

Alex knew exactly who he was from the murmuring of others at the bar. He was a drunk slob who sometimes acted in movies. He was never the lead or second lead. He was some background actor that would make you wonder, 'where have I seen him before?' but never bother looking him up.

"I have offered the option between ounces and your bill, but based on your behavior, I believe it is time for your bill." Alex said stiffly.

His grip on Alex's arm tightened, but Alex showed no sign of pain or discomfort, just a calm face and professional smile.

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