I Will Be There

519 28 12

March 2008

I will be there
Standing by your side
I will be there
Standing by your side
If you ever need someone
To just love you
If you ever need someone
To simply adore you

Ellen breathed deeply, looking at the stick right in front of her. Two little lines flashed in her face and she suddenly felt sick to her stomach. She had no idea how to feel. Her and Patrick had just started really seeing each other, no one even knew they were together yet. They planned to tell everyone on the set soon but sooner would have to come than later. She heard the front door of her home open and she quickly tucked the test into her back pocket.

"Ellen?" He called out.

"Coming!" She breathed deeply as she quickly went down to greet him.

"How was work?" She asked. He had just started filming a new movie so his schedule was completely booked.

"It was alright. Kind of ironic at least," he chuckled. He placed a kiss on her cheek as he removed his jacket.

"How so?" She asked.

"So my character is a cardiac surgeon," he starts.

"So like Derek but hotter?" She giggled.

"I'm offended," he laughed along.

"I'm kidding, I'd always chose brain over heart," she shrugged.

"That stings but I'll let it slide. Anyway my character is married but having an affair," he chuckled.

"Ironic indeed," she shook her head.

"I'm glad all of that is behind us. It's just me and you now, no other parties to disrupt that," he leaned down and pulled her into a deep kiss.

"Mhm. Speaking of, how's Jillian?" She asked.

"Shes just Jillian. She hasn't been as angry as I thought she would be, but she doesn't exactly know I moved in yet," he said quietly.

"You know you will have to tell her at some point," Ellen said.

"I know. I was planning on telling her this weekend when I went to get the kids. She is going to have a cow, a real cow is going to split from her body," he joked.

"What do you want for dinner?" She asked as she walked from the living room toward the kitchen and he followed.

"You sounds amazing," he smirked as he grabbed her waist and pulled her around him.

"Actual food," she giggled after he kissed her.

"I want desert first," he smirked as he reached down a grabbed her ass, squeezing. He had a funny look on his face as he pulled out of her pocket the familiar looking thing.

"I wanted to make it special," she said sheepishly.

"You're pregnant?" He smiled as he looked at her.

"According to that I am," she giggled. He lifted her off her feet in a large embrace, a smile spreading from ear to ear.

"This is great news. We are going to have a baby," he smiled as he leaned down and held her in a deep kiss.

"We are going to have a baby, together," she said in a relieved tone, "I'm glad you're happy about it."

"Of course I am, the love of my life is carrying my baby," he ran his hand across her abdomen, a large smile as he looked into her eyes.

"Our baby, I never knew I wanted it this badly until that little blue plus sign showed up," she sighed as she looked at hun. She loved the way he looked at her.

"Our baby," he repeated, the smile seemed to get better. He pulled her face into a kiss. She wrapped her arms around him, holding on as he lifted her up a bit. She had never felt so happy in her entire life, like the missing puzzle piece was finally falling into place.

Author's note: posting two chapters in one night is not usually what I do, I have been off work for a few days so I had some time to write! Loving all the love I'm getting on this and my other story, gives me inspiration to write! And I love the little comments you guys leave on certain parts!

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