
446 27 3

December 2008

I found a love for me
Oh darling, just dive right in and follow my lead
Well, I found a girl, beautiful and sweet
Oh, I never knew you were the someone waiting for me
'Cause we were just kids when we fell in love
Not knowing what it was
I will not give you up this time

Ellen sat in the car, staring at the building in front of her, terrified was an understatement. She knew this was it, the moment could be the happiest or another sad day in the books. She looked over at Patrick, he looked just as scared as she was.

"You ready?" He asked over at her, he knew she was scared. He was terrified himself, he hoped so much that this baby would make it and their family would be complete. He would be happy with a healthy baby, didn't care if it would be a girl or boy.

"I guess," she sighed, unbuckling the seat belt as she slowly got out of the car. She walked at a slow pace as she followed him in. They went back almost immediately, she didn't even process the whole thing. It felt like she really didn't have a baby in her stomach, she was sure this would end up like the last one. She undressed from the waist down, Patrick was silent. He looked more nervous than she did.

"Hi Ellen, how are you today?" The doctor asked as she entered.

"I'm ok."

"You having many symptoms yet?" She asked.

"I'm just so tired and nauseous all the time," she said honestly.

"That's good, I know it doesn't feel like it right now but symptoms are good. Any cramping?"


"Ok, we are going to do an ultrasound and then from there we will discuss everything else. You know you are high risk but we can go into more detail soon," the doctor smile. She got everything ready and started the ultrasound.

"Oh wow," the doctor said as she moved the transducer around over her abdomen.

"Is that the baby?" Ellen asked, almost shocked.

"It is, when did you say your last period was?"

"They have been so crazy since the miscarriage, I would bleed for a couple days then stop every month since April. It hasn't been very heavy," she said.

"Well baby is measuring to be 16 weeks, estimated due date for baby is June 8th,"

"Oh my god," Ellen said, completely shocked. She looked over at Patrick who was just as stunned.

"How?" Ellen asked.

"Sometimes that happens, do you want to hear the heartbeat?" She asked before letting the whooshing sound enter the room. Tears begin falling from Ellen's eyes as she couldn't believe it. She was really carrying a baby.

"We are going to schedule an anatomy scan in a few weeks but from what it looks like, you guys are going to have a little girl," the tech said with a smile.

"A girl," Patrick croaked with a smile to her.

"I hope she looks like you," he said in a whisper as he kissed the side of her head.

"This is great news, you are out of this first trimester so the miscarriage rate just went way down. We just have to monitor your blood pressure really well and keep stress to a minimum. Baby looks healthy, I'll see you in four weeks. Congratulations guys,"she said as she put everything up and handed Ellen the pictures of the baby.

"We are having a baby," Ellen said happily as she had tears running down her cheeks.

"We are," he said with returning smile as he walked over and kissed her. She was so relieved to finally be carrying a healthy baby, she couldn't contain herself any more. She wanted to shout from the rooftop that she was going to be a mother.

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