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Wait for the dawn my dear
Wait till the sun gets here
And you will wait to long

January 2005

"Good morning," Patrick said with a smile on his face as he came into the hotel room Ellen was in. They were shooting in Seattle, it was the second time they had shot out of the studio, the main crew was flown to Seattle to do location scenes. It was 7am, about three hours too early and a cup of coffee too short for Ellen to be this happy in the morning.

"Why are you always so happy this early in the morning?" She questioned him, keeping her arms crossed tight over robe.

"Why aren't you? There are plenty of reasons to be happy," he said as he fixed his breakfast burrito. That was his favorite thing to eat in the mornings. They were halfway through the season and she had really bonded with him.

"Oh yeah? Like what?" She watched him closely as he poured himself a cup of coffee and moved to sit next to her as he put the breakfast burrito he had brought into the microwave.

"Well there's Talula and I'm alive," then he looked into her eyes. There was a look that was passes between them and the next thing that came out of his mouth was unexpected.

"And there's you."

Ellen felt herself blush, he was such a flirt and it killed her. He made her feel ways she couldn't even describe. Most people would assume it would be awkward after their slip up the first day of filming but it actually just made them more careful and they both discussed if either felt uncomfortable they would talk. No affection has been shared since that day, she couldn't trust herself if he touched her.

"You nervous?" She poured herself a coffee and added a touch of milk before sitting down again.

"Nope, I'm pretty confident I can kiss you just fine," he smirked as he had a touch of salsa on the corner of his mouth. They were shooting the main scenes they had only two days to shoot in Seattle, that's what the budget called for at least.

"You're real cocky, you know?" She giggled as she used her thumb to wipe it from his mouth as an instinct.

"I know what I'm capable of," he shrugged with a chuckle.

"God you, we have to get going," she laughed as she grabbed her Meredith clothing she had been given and went into her bathroom to change. She walked out as Patrick just finished his burrito.

"Ready?" He asked. She nodded and they went down to the lobby where Sandra and TR waited. They all were to ride together to the set just to save money.

"Good morning Ellen," Sandra smiled.

"Morning San, how'd you sleep?" Ellen asked.

"Great. I love hotel sheets," Sandra laughed.

"You guys ready?" TR asked as he was anxious to make it to the set on time.

"Ready when you are," they laughed as they hopped into Patrick's rental car he had gotten. He paid out of pocket because he said he didn't want a chauffeur everywhere he went. They drove from the hotel in downtown Seattle to the home. It was beautiful on the outside and inside, it was replicated on the set but since they had outside scenes and such, it would be cheaper for the show to just use the house. They went inside, the lower level was set up just as you would see on the sound stage but they transformed the upper level into hair and make-up. There were people crowded everywhere, a lot of extras and producers and such. They found themselves upstairs preparing for hair and make up.

"Hey guys, wanna go grab lunch somewhere today?" TR offered as he sat himself in the chair.

"I'm in," Sandra nodded.

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