Dream On

507 22 8

May 2007

Every time when I look in the mirror
All these lines on my face getting clearer
The past is gone
And it went by, like dusk to dawn
Isn't that the way?
Everybody's got their dues in life to pay

Ellen sat reading a magazine as the make up artist was finishing her face for the set. She they were just wrapping up for the season and she found small joy knowing she would be visiting some family in Italy soon. She looked up as she heard a voice coming in through the door.

"Elle!" The little girl said happily.

"Hey Tal," she smiled at her.

"Look! I lost my first tooth!" She smiled widely as one of the bottom teeth were missing.

"That's exciting! You excited for the tooth fairy's first visit?" Ellen smiled at her.

"Yep! Daddy said she will come after I fall asleep tonight," Talula said joyfully.

"Hey," Patrick interrupted them as he came in the door.

"Good morning," Ellen smiled politely at him.

"The twins had a doctor's appointment this morning. The nanny will be coming by to pick her up after," Patrick said as he sat in his chair.

"I'm sure Shonda won't mind, Justin brings his son sometimes," Ellen said surely.

"I hope not. I know it's a short day anyway," he shrugged.

"Im going to go shoot with Sandra," Ellen smiled.

"Bye Ellen!" Talula said happily.

"Bye Tal," Ellen smiled. She left to go to the stage. Sandra was in a wedding dress, in the apartment that she shared with Burke. It was the season finale, with everything that happened with Isaiah, he had been asked to not return after his last outburst. He held so much anger that was too crazy for the set.

"Wow, you look like a real bride," Ellen said with a giggle.

"Right! I was shocked in hair and make up," Sandra laughed along.

"Alright guys, you know the run down," producers said. They got everyone into position and called action. They were able to get the scene in just three takes but with the redoing of Sandra's make up every time she cried, it took longer.

"You should get an Emmy for that performance," Ellen said with a smile.

"Thanks, I tried," Sandra shrugged.

"Shonda is taking all of us out to lunch to meet with the new cast mates, did she tell you?" Sandra asked.

"Yeah, I don't like her intruding on our lunches," Ellen joked.

"That's what I wanted to say," Sandra joked back. The two had become so close in the past few years they worked together, they ate lunch almost every day together that they worked. It was a tradition almost, with TR, Justin, and Patrick occasionally joining in.

"Your driving," Ellen said as she followed her to the trailers. They each got out of their dresses and met by Sandra's car.

"Got room for one more?" TR asked as he walked up, a huge smile on his face as always.

"Always for my T," Sandra smiled as she got in after them. The three drove to a fancy restaurant that Shonda had made reservations at, they saw her car along with a few other cast mates. The inside was stunning and Ellen felt very underdressed in her pullover and jeans. She followed Sandra and TR to the giant table, the whole place was empty so they could have some privacy.

"I feel underdressed Shonda," Ellen joked as she went to hug her.

"No complaints, you guys were just overdressed. How did the shooting go?" She asked.

"Oh great, Sandra was phenomenal," Ellen said as she sat down next to Sandra and TR.

"So I'll go ahead and introduce you to a new face that is joining as a regular. This is a Chyler Leigh, she will reprise the role of Lexie Grey," Shonda said.

"Nice to meet you Chyler," Ellen smiled as she reached out to shake her hand.

"Nice to meet all of you," she said shyly.

"Glad you're joining the family," TR said in his joyful attitude. He was such a joyful person, he could make anyone feel comfortable.

"Glad to be chosen," she said, her smile never leaving as well. Everyone chatted while they ate, just having light conversation before Shonda started talking about the new season and plots she was planning, making sure everyone was on board and no complaints. After the meal was shared and their talk was finished, everyone dispersed. Sandra took Ellen and TR back to the set to get their cars.


Ellen walked into the house, laying her phone on the counter of her kitchen. She looked through the refrigerator as she wasn't sure what she would have for dinner. She looked

"Ellen!" She heard his voice call out from the living room.

"Yes?" She said as she walked in.

"Question for you. How come I'm getting a call from Jillian to tell me that she found some of your stuff in Patrick's?" Chris said as he swished the bourbon in his glass. Ellen froze, her stomach instantly sunk to the bottom of her abdomen.

"Probably from when we shared a trailer," she said.

"Wasn't that last season?" He asked.

"Yeah but it was probably just still left over. Don't over think it baby," she replied nonchalantly. She felt her heartbeat quicken as he looked at her, almost like he was looking through her.

"Just makes me wonder," he mumbled as he tipped the remaining liquid into his mouth.

"Are you trying to accuse me of something?" She quickly got defensive.

"Maybe I am," he shrugged.

"Don't start Chris. I don't have the time to fight with you," she quickly shook her head before returning to the kitchen. She heard him following her.

"Would explain all those messages from him you were quick to delete," he growled.

"Oh come on, we are coworkers and nothing more, I can assure you of that," Ellen spat back.

"Stop lying for once," he said back.

"What exactly have I lied about?" Ellen crossed her arms as she stared back at him.

"Working late every day? I mean come on, I may not be a genius but I'm not an idiot. I've seen how he looks at you, I've seen the photo shoots of you two being all playful and giddy with each other and how he just puts his hands all over you like you are his property," he growled angering more with the words.

"I am no ones property. You might want to watch what you say next because remember where you lay your head at night and who pays all these bills while you go sit on your ass with your buddies making your so called music," she slammed her hand against the counter out of anger. She knew he was right but it was gone, in the past. That was it, there was nothing else to it.

"Yeah, ok," he scoffed before turning around and walking out of the room. She let out a groan as she threw her hand against her face. She was angry to say the least but he had a right to question, she knew she was in the wrong but it still didn't need to be brought up again.

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