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The Audition

Isn't it crazy
How life slips right into your life
Forces everything else to the side
Fall in love at a glance
That's alright.

Two Weeks Later

Ellen looked at herself in the mirror one last time, her white sundress flowed down to her knees and her normally natural hair was curled. She was extremely nervous, normally they liked her but she was still always nervous. She grabbed the script, looking through the lines once more as she snacked on an apple.

She knew that she would have to be auditioning for not only her part, but also if she got the part she would have to find a part for the main character's love interest. Her mind suddenly lost track as she remembered the tall, dark-haired man that she couldn't get her mind off of. The way he smiled and the charming look behind the blue orbs he called eyes.

"Ellen," Chris said suddenly, coming up from behind her.

"Hmm?" She was forced the come out of her thoughts. Her boyfriend stared at her in confusion for a second.

"What are you doing babe?" He questioned her. She rolled her eyes, knowing he probably forgot she had to go to an audition today.

"I have an audition. I told you this yesterday," she threw the apple core in the trash before turning to face him again.

"Oh right. I guess I'll see tonight?" He asked questionable.

"Yeah maybe," she sighed, grabbing her keys and purse. She leaned up and kisses the corner of his mouth before rushing out the door. She climbed into her car and drove to the address her manager gave her. She pulled into one of the empty parking spots, going into the building. She stopped by the bathroom, making sure she looked alright before going to meet with her manager that was waiting for her.

"Hello Ellen," she said with a smile on her face.

"Hey Nancy, so have you spoke with them?" Ellen asked, adjusting her dress once more.

"Yes, just have to go in, and do your thing. good luck sweetie. I know you got this," her manager gave her a small pep talk before letting her into the room. Inside was two tables set out, four people sitting in the five chairs behind the table.

"Hi I'm Ellen Pompeo and I am going to audition for the part of Meredith Grey," she said, she spoke with confidence, hoping that she would spark a little flame in the room.

"Hi, I'm Shonda Rhimes, the creator. Begin when you're ready," Shonda spoke from the middle of the table.

Ellen cleared her throat and began reading off the script. Each audition she had put everything in her acting, it was her passion and she wanted to show that to everyone. She read from the practice script and finished after a few lines and looked up.

"I loved it, if you want the part it is yours," Shonda spoke up after a few minutes of silence.

"Alright. I would love the part," Ellen said with a smile. She had finally landed a role that she could make her own.

"Well if you wouldn't mind, we have to find a love interest for your character so if you could audition with the male actors. I want to find the perfect soulmate for Meredith," Shonda asked and Ellen agreed. She auditions with many men, men of all color, men of all sizes and nothing felt right. Each time Shonda dismissed them, stating that she would be in touch. It seemed like no guy that was auditioning was the right fit.

"I want chemistry and a natural connection and none of the actors seem to fit the role," Shonda groaned as she slid her glasses to the top of her head.

"Well who is next?" Ellen asked, she was still hopeful with the other directors were loosing hope.

"Isaiah Washington," Shonda said looking at the list. He came in, his tall and African America build made him seem a little cute. Ellen waited for Shonda's go and they started. It was alright, it was better than most of the guys. Isaiah was cocky but a pretty decent actor and Shonda considered it. Ellen was a little hesitant, she was dating Chris and having a colored on screen romance would be a little weird for her, being so close to home. Chris would have an actual meltdown, it reminded her of when she had a part in the movie Moonlight Mile. He said a snarky comment about how he was glad Jake Gyllenhaal was white because he couldn't see her cheating on him with a white man.

"Well I know have to go to the restroom so if you will excuse me and you can go ahead and call the next guy in," Ellen said as she left the room. She was tired, wore out, and ready for it to be over. As much as she didn't want it, Isaiah was probably going to be her on screen love and she didn't really get too excited about it. She fixed her make up before hurrying back to the audition room. To her surprise, a familiar voice echoed inside.

"Patrick?" She was caught off guard when she went in to the room and saw the tall, hands on figure standing there. His curls perfectly tousled and his eyes even more sparkly. He was so dreamy in the blue button down and dress pants.

"Ellen? What are you doing here?" He smiled, lighting up even more when she came into the room. He was just about to start reading when she came in, thankful she was there. Shonda was too quiet and it scared him. She observed what was going on between the pair and her eyes light up instantly.

"You two know each other?" Betsy asked, watching the interaction also.

"Sort of, we are neighbors and I guess you can say friends," Ellen smirked at him. He smiled and nodded in agreement.

"So what are you doing here?" Patrick asked, looking Ellen up and down. Her white sundress was gorgeous along with her hair loosely curled and her emerald eyes made the look complete.

"I am the lead role, Meredith Grey. What are you doing?" She raised her eyebrow at him.

"That's amazing! I'm auditioning," he held up the script and she just giggled ever-so slightly.

"Well let's hear it," Ellen grabbed her script from the table and they began reading the scene. Shonda had a smirk on her face, a mischievous look. Their chemistry was amazing, like something she had never seen between two people. They connected instantly and they even read the lines perfectly. It was fate that they had both auditioned.

"That was amazing, can both of you step out so we can talk?" Betsy asked and they both nodded and stepped out.

"Huh, this is weird," Patrick laughed, looking at Ellen for her answer.

"Yeah. Who knew we'd both audition for the same show," she giggled.

"I almost didn't come. Something told me I should so I did," he shrugged. He was now glad that he had come. He would be honored to be on a show with Ellen.

"Well I'm glad you did. I'll get to spend more time with you," she smiled, staring into his eyes. He smiled and she smiled wider.

"How do you know I'll even get the part?" He asked curiously and she smirked.

"I just do, they loved you," she shrugged. She saw their reactions toward him compared to the others and she knew that role was his.

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