Ghibalb and the Return home

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Previously on Ezra Betrayed


Yoda: Guide you we will

Anakin: So you can learn of your true heritage

Obi Wan: The force can feel you conflicted after that vision you still doubt yourself

Revan: You believe the force is still a curse after what happened with your old's time you stop doubting yourself young one.


???: I have waited since the day you arrived here when you were younger.


Ezra: I've traveled from Requiem to Genesis to here on Maethrillian in search of answers and I want to know who my real family is!


Primordial: It's time for you to help out your family but which side will you choose your brothers? Who wants to end your countries tyranny or your country who oppress and view themselves as stronger than everyone else?

Ezra: I....


Ezra: I choose to side with my brother, I've seen what a Empire does to it's people and I hate it but I can stop them from spilling for blood then what has been spilt. It's time to return home.

Primordial: A wise choice Ezra. 

Ezra: I would like to know what happens in the future! You said you could look into the future.

Primordial: Very well 

Ezra's eyes rolled back into in his head as images flooded his mind from upcoming to later. Some more gruesome than others, Euphie slaughtering the Japanese, Narita, A brown haired boy capturing Lelouch and trading him in exchange as a knight of the round, Julius/Lelouch aiding Euro Britannia, a Red haired woman and a green haired woman rescuing Lelouch and restoring his memoires, Fleija going off twice, Lelouch becoming a tyrant, the Brown haired boy killing Lelouch, Nunnally learning the truth, the world learning Lelouch became a Tyrant to free the world of the evil that was plagued every sacrifice made had led to that moment. (Where is that line from? And who said that line?).

Ezra: I can stop this from all happening right?

Primordial: No you cannot, the future is written

Ezra: You're wrong, Master Yoda said it's difficult to see the future as it's always in motion meaning the future isn't written it can be changed but only through trial and error can we truly change the future.

Primordial: You have past the test Ezra.

Ezra: What test?

Primordial: I tested you to see how far you're willing to change your families future and you are determined to change the future and thus you have passed my final test. 

Ezra: What happens now?

Primordial: Now we go to Ghibalb there you can access communications and contact the UNSC and your fleet and have them travel here from there you will access a slip space portal leading to your home. 

Ezra: This area looks like some sort of control, which means there's a console we can use to communicate with the UNSC but why go to Ghibalb? Isn't it dead?

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