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-Abuse (George gets mistreated too)
-Tantrums/panic attacks
-Don't know how to explain this, but getting tied to your bed by people

George's POV

Today was a really bad day. I woke up, being extremely mad already and the whole day was ruined. I had five nightmares and because I screamed so loudly some sort of guy thought it was a good idea to come in my room. Well my room, I had a mattress, a small window with a very thick glass in it and I had nothing else.

Well, back to what happened this night. That guy came into my room and tried calming me down, but I got extremely mad at him. He kept staring at me and he even touched me and he wasn't allowed to. Well, I hit him again after a while, he called some other security guys. I got even more mad, I started kicking and hitting them. I kept screaming for minutes long and I started hitting myself. After a while I went so far that they took me to a room where they tied me to a bed. They gave me something calming and they brought me back.

I fell asleep and woke up this morning, completely numb because of all medication I got. I was completely stoned and they gave me my breakfast in my room, someone was watching me the whole time while eating and I got mad again, so I threw the plate on the ground and cut myself with the shards.

Apparently I went so deep that I needed stitches it was only ten am when I got brought back to the room where they tied me to my bed, giving me calming medication. I screamed just as long till I was so numb that I didn't know how to scream anymore.

The medication stopped working after a few hours and I was getting crazy again. I hated being inside of here, not being able to do anything in my life. I literally had nothing, but a stupid room with a bed. It was just a prison, I felt imprisoned. They treated me like a criminal and maybe I was a criminal by hitting the shit out of everyone, but still. I was here to get better right? But they just closed me in a room because I was a danger. I would never get better like this.

Around two hours later my medication stopped working and I was getting crazy again. Why were they locking me like a criminal? I was only seventeen, I had a life.

'LET ME GO,' I screamed, having my voice crack. 'I'M NOT A CRIMINAL, I'M JUST MENTALLY NOT OKAY.'

I started hitting the walls really hard and kept screaming. 'LET ME GO. I'M A HUMAN.'

I kept hitting the wall for minutes long and until the door flew open. Some guy grabbed me by my waist and pushed me against the wall.


I looked up at him for a second and got completely crazy. His eyes, his eyes stood mad. So mad, his eyes scared me.

I couldn't resist myself anymore and I hit him in his face. He got mad now and he grabbed my hands, hit me in my face and lifted me up. I got pulled with him, pushed on the ground and again-. I went to a room where I got tied to my bed again. They wanted to give me medication and I closed my mouth tightly. Since my hands and legs were tied too, I couldn't resist in any other way.

'Open your mouth now.'

I shook my head heavily. One of the men got impatient with me and I saw him grabbing an injection. He grabbed my arm and they stuck the needle in my arm. A cold liquid started spreading in my body and my whole body got numb within seconds. My head fell back and after a few minutes they untied me and he lifted me up.

I almost couldn't stand on my feet and they had to hold me with two people. They brought me back to my room and I laid down on my bed. One of the men kneeled down and grabbed my hand.

'Let me see, George.'

I nodded really slowly, I was really tired. I wanted to sleep.

'We have to call a nurse to come and see your hand. Can you behave yourself?'

I shut my eyes and rolled to my side. 'Sleep.'

'You bruised your hand.'


'No, George. You are going to listen to us.'

I curled up like a ball and held my eyes shut tightly. 'Sleep.'


It didn't even startle me, I was too tired.

'If you don't listen to us we will give you an extra two weeks in this room.'

I lifted my head up slowly. 'Twooooo?'

'Yes, two. We will call a nurse and you are going to behave. If you touch or hit her, we will tie you to your bed for a whole day.'

'Oh, okay.'

'Are you behaving?'


It took ten minutes for a nurse to come, I didn't even look up once. I was just laying on my bed with my eyes closed. She started moving my hand a little and even though it hurt a lot, I didn't reply. I was way too tired.

'I think he bruised it really badly, I might have to check when he isn't this stoned. Is he okay? What did you give him?'

'Just some calming medication, he kept hitting us, so we had to.'

'Let him sleep. He needs sleep when he's this tired.'

'Okay, we will.'

The nurse left after having to put a bandage around my hand and I was left with the men.

'Go to sleep, George.'


They left the room and I turned to my side, falling asleep right away. I was so tired, I didn't know what they gave me, but I felt weird. I wanted to go home. I wanted to sleep in my own bed, I wanted to go outside, meet people. All my friends left me after I became like this. None of them knew what happened. Maybe I would find a friend someday.

1023 words

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