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-Details George's trauma/PTSD

George's POV

I was sleeping as someone suddenly kept knocking on my window. I slowly opened my eyes and opened the curtains. I was really confused as I saw Clay standing in front of my window and I opened it.

'Hello?' I asked. I was really sleepy, since I was sleeping just a few minutes ago.

'George, my therapist made a plan to get you out of here and it might be risky, but I really want to try.'

'What? Okay, slow down. I just woke up.'

'I was talking with my therapist.'

'I understood that.'

'And he made a plan to get you and the other people out of here.'

'Oh, really?' I asked confused, but also pretty relieved.

'But it's kind of a risky plan.'

'Well, I already risked my life five thousand here. I don't care that much anymore. Is there a chance of it not working?'

'There might be, but I don't think it will fail.'

'Okay, what do I do?'

'We want you to try and escape and scream at that guy.'


'So my therapist is going to film and he is going to call the police too. If that man hits you again or if he admits that he is neglecting you, the police has proof to arrest them.'

'So I have to scream at him? How did I get him to confess what he does?'

'He thinks he's going to be alone with you and you just have to scream what he does at him. He's not going to expect having a whole team on him.'

'Okay, I'm down.'

'If he is going to hurt you I'm sure someone is immediately there to save you.'

I nodded. 'I would do anything to get out of here, it's driving me insane here. When are we going to do this?'

'Tomorrow morning, my therapist will then call the police.'

'Okay, I'm down.'

'George, I uh- I like you a lot and you make me so happy. I had such a bad day and I feel so much better when I'm talking with you and about you. My therapist just brings up you when I feel down because I immediately start smiling when I think of you.'

I smiled, looking down at my feet. The window was open on the top and Clay was tall so he pushed his hand through the window. I stood on my bed and grabbed his hand, locking our fingers. Clay pulled my hand further to him and he kissed the top of my hand.

We kept holding hands in silence for minutes long and Clay rubbed the top of my hands softly with his thumb, giving me soft kisses on my hand every ten seconds.

'You're going to get out of here, George.'



'I- I need help, I really do. Nightmares are driving me insane.'

'Do you want to talk about your trauma?'

'It's graphic.'

'I don't mind, I don't get triggered a lot. Only with stuff like alcohol and drugs and stuff.'

'I never told this to anyone, I'm really scared you will leave me after or it's too direct to say.'

'You can tell me anything, okay?'

'I uh- my uncle- got killed in front of me.'

'Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry.'

'And the killer looked at me with such scary eyes,' I noticed myself breathing faster. 'He looked blood thirsty, he was so scary. I see his eyes every time I close my eyes and when I look in someone's eyes I see it again. He laughed as he stabbed my uncle to dead and he looked at me when he did it. He was so scary, Clay. I see him everyday, I see him stabbing him everyday, but those eyes. Those eyes were traumatising.'

Clay held my hand really tightly and rubbed over the top, kissing it again but a little longer this time. He kissed my hand for maybe even ten seconds and smiled at me. 'Keep calm, okay?'

'His eyes.'

It took me only five more seconds to burst out in tears and I breathed heavily. Clay kept kissing my hand constantly and started breathing louder and slowly to let me copy his rhythm. I smiled at him and copied his breathing rhythm.

'Want to kiss my hand too?' Clay giggled.

I nodded and kissed his hand shyly.

'I could stand here the whole evening with you. I really wish to cuddle with you and fall asleep in your arms,' I whispered. 'I would maybe sleep well for once.'

'Aww, that's so cute. If I could, I would cuddle with you too and rub through your hair just as long as you needed to fell asleep for the whole night.'

'Really? With me?'

'With you, yeah.'

'Sorry, I always need to confirm things like that. I don't believe them anymore.'

'I love you, George. You're so handsome, cute, sweet, beautiful and amazing. I love the way you look and I love your personality. I loved your personality the first second I spoke to you and I know we only know each other really for a few weeks or something, but I really love you.'

'I love you too, but I'm scared you're just joking, I'm really ugly and no one ever liked me.'

'No one liked me either before.'

'I do.'

'Yeah and I like you.'

'You just understand me so well. You also have a difficult bond with your parents, you also have been away from home and school for weeks long. I don't mean this the wrong way, but you also don't really have anyone. You just understand my pain and I understand yours.'

'I fully agree with you, it's feel good to have someone understanding you. I always felt really alone, but I feel so much better with you.'

Clay kissed my hand again and smiled brightly. 'If I get you out of there, do you want to see my place at home?'

'I would love to.'

'Are you romantic, George?'

I nodded. 'I would say so, I only find it hard to surprise people.'

'But I don't. I'm going to take you on a platonic date.'

I blushed. 'Really?'

He kissed my hand. 'Really, together in the park, romantic enough?'

'I like it.'

'And I like you,' Clay giggled. 'See you tomorrow.'

1063 words

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