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-Mentions abuse/mistreating
-Mentions self harm/suicide attempts
-Mentions trauma/PTSD/aggression

Clay's POV

I went to sleep after I talked with George for a little while and I told him I was going to come back tomorrow. I was excited to see him again and that morning I woke up early. I quickly took a short shower and changed clothes. I ran downstairs and knocked in the door of my therapist to see if he was working there already.


I opened the door and I smiled.

'Clay? Why are you here this early?'

'I told George I was coming again today.'

'Oh really, did you? That's sweet of you. Do you want me to come with you?'

'Don't worry, I can go alone. I'll stay here on this area, I won't leave.'

'Okay, Clay. I trust you. Have fun.'

I nodded and I ran outside. I had my fully charged phone and I kept running until I stood in front of George's window. I looked inside a little and I saw him laying down on his bed. He seemed not to be sleeping, but he seemed tired and really sad.

I knocked on his window and he sat up really slowly, looking at me. He smiled softly and turned around, sitting in front of his window.

How are you?

Since I was a good lip sync reader, I could easily understand what George meant. My aunt was deaf and I always learned to read lip sync and such.

'Three nightmares, really tired,' George said, he closed his eyes shortly and leaned back on his elbows.

Aww, I'm sorry. Can I help?

'Get me out of here.'

I'm trying. By the way, as I said I'm Clay. You're name is George right?


I'm seventeen, how old are you?

'Seventeen too.'


'I'm hungry.'


'They don't give me food, because I broke a plate and cut myself with it.'

Aww, I'm so sorry. I really hope they will let you get away there soon, because this is just mistreating and abuse.

'I have anger issues and I hit them, but they hit back.'

Don't think they are supposed to hit back to be fair.

'They aren't.'

May I ask what happened yesterday?

'Nothing important, I attempted suicide.'

That's pretty important.

'Meh, I attempt it a lot. I always fail.'

I'm glad you failed. I like talking to you, I really want to speak to you and not through this stupid window.

'I'm trying to behave.'

You look good today.

'I didn't change anything, I only have bigger bags under my eyes.'

You look good, I like the way you look.

'You're making me shy.' George giggled shortly and he hid his face behind his hands again. It revealed all his scars on his arms and the bandages around his wrist. It startled me a little, everywhere I looked were big white lines, some were pink still, a few scars were still open and were healing a little with some stitches.

I looked back up to his face. He was smiling softly, but he looked so broken. The bags under his eyes were massive, he was as pale as a ghost and his eyes were red of all the crying he did.

I smiled at him and formed a heart with my hands. He smiled, did the same and fell backwards on his bed. He was giggling softly and sat back up. He was really cute.

'You made my day.'

You made my day too, I really like speaking to you, it's fun.

'Do you actually like me?'

I nodded slowly and saw George looking at his hands.


'I do, I never really had friends so it's all kind of new to me.'

I mean, I like you a lot :)

George giggled and I saw him blush, just as I did. I just wanted to make him feel happy. And I wasn't lying, I did like him, a lot. He was really cute and kind.

'As in you're in love?'

I don't know, I just like you.

'How me? I'm everything that's wrong.'

Because you're cute, kind, sweet and I just like you.

'Cute? I look like a ghost risen from the death.'

You look like a cute ghost risen from the death. Don't forget that part.

He giggled again and blushed even more. 'You mean this?'

I do, I like you.

'I kind like you too.'


'Oh, shut up. You're the one flirting with me.'

I was just joking, dummy :p

I smiled brightly and blushed because it made me so happy to see him smile shortly. He never used to smile so I was proud I could be the one to make him happy. We kept both smiling and George looked at his hands again. I noticed him avoiding eye contact, but sometimes he looked at me for a split second.

'Are your eyes are green?'

Yep, they are.

'I'm colourblind. It sucks.'

Aww, if we meet up when you're out of here, I'll get you those glasses as a present.

'Really? Those are really expensive.'

Yeah, and you went through hell. I can at least make you happier by letting you see the colours of the world.

'I would like to see it once, but my parents hate me really.'

May I ask why?

'I hit and kicked them.'

Not without a reason, I think.


I'm so sorry! I promise you, it will get better. When you get out of here, you'll get therapy, okay? I can ask my therapist for help too.

George nodded slowly and he smiled. 'Thank you. It means a lot to me. Days are so dark and you're the highlight of my day.'

I'll be back this afternoon. I have to go exercise now and I have long therapy session, but after therapy I have half an hour before school starts.


I get some basic stuff in the rehab centre.

'That's nice.'

It is, I'll be back, okay?

'Thank you, that makes my day.'

Anything for you.

1072 words

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