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-Usage too much alcohol/drunk (underaged/relapse/addiction)
-Mentions self harm wounds
-Throwing up

Clay's POV

'Heeeeeeyyy, babyyyyy-.'

'Clay, sit down.'


'Clay, listen to me. What did you drink?'


George grabbed my hand and pulled me with him, I fell over my own feet and fell on the ground. I started laughing and rolled to my back.

'Aaaaaah, I fell.'

'Clay, get up.'

'Nah, floor soffftt.'

George sighed softly and he lifted me up with all strength he had. I fell down on the couch and looked at him, grabbing his hand.

'Come cuddle with meeee.'

George laid down on the couch next to me and held me tight to his body. 'I'm sorry that you relapsed, Clay. You might not realise it now, but I will be here with you when you feel really bad in a little.'

I saw him glancing over the three bottles of alcohol on the table. I had drank a lot out of them all and I was really drunk, but I didn't even really realise it. I didn't even care, I wanted even more. I rolled away from George and grabbed a bottle again.

'Stay off that. You're not drinking more.'

George stood up and grabbed all three bottles and put them down in the kitchen. I crawled up from the floor and looked at him madly. 'Give meee.'

'Clay, you're going to feel so bad later, please don't do this.'

I grabbed George's shoulders and I pushed him against the wall. 'You're so hot, babyyyy.'

George looked a little scared and I started leaning in to kiss him. He pushed me away immediately before I had even tried anything.

'I'm not kissing you, you're drunk.'

'I want to kiss you, baby.'

'Clay, stop please.'


'Yeah, lay down on the couch.'

George helped me walk towards the couch and he laid down with me next to him. I couldn't resist myself and I laid down on top of him, trying to kiss him again.

'Stop, Clay. Stop now.'

'You're hooooot. I want to kiss you.'

'I don't want to kiss you, you're drunk.'

I couldn't stop myself and I lifted George's shirt up. I startled when I saw multiple scars on his belly, but I didn't even realise it. I started touching him all over his belly and started kissing it. George pushed me away again.

'Clay, stop. You're going to sleep until you aren't drunk anymore.'

'Give me one more drink.'

'Absolutely not, here drink this bottle of water. Come with me.'

He pulled his shirt down quickly and lifted me up.

'Nauseous,' I said.

'Do you have to throw up?'


'Come to the toilet.'

'Toilet?' I grinned. 'Let me kiss youuuuu.'

'No, Clay. And if you don't stop saying that I'm leaving you right now.'


'Shut up, you're loud. And no, you just kissed my hair.'

'Oh my gosh, if we kissed we should go further.'

'Clay, we won't.'

'Let me touch you.'

'Clay, shut up, come with me now.'

He grabbed my waist and helped me walk to the toilet. I kneeled down in front of it, but stood up after a while. 'Naaaahhh.'

'Okay, come to bed then.'

He lifted me up again and we started walking upstairs, but I got nauseous again. I didn't even care anymore and we I arrived upstairs I threw up on the ground. George sighed really softly and rubbed my back.

'Go to bed, I'll clean this. How much did you drink, Clay?'


'Oh my gosh, I can't with you. Stand up now.'

Instead of standing up, I threw up another time. I saw tears in George's eyes as he lifted me up, he carried me to my bed and laid me down. I pulled him with me and started touching his belly. 'I want to touch youuuu.'

'Stop, get off me. I have to clean.'

'You're boring. Why don't you just fuck me? I want to do it with such a hot guy.'

'Clay-. Dang, that hurts.'

I saw George biting his lip and I soon saw a tear streaming down his face. He turned around and slammed the door in my face.

'Georgieeeee, baby. Come back.'

'NO. I'm not your stupid toy or whatever and I'll never be.'

'We aren't best friends?'

'Apparently you only want sex.'

'I'm drunkkkkkk.'

'TELL ME SOMETHING GOSH DANG NEW. I came here to calm down, okay? You don't even care about me at all. You saw my freaking cuts and you didn't care.'

The door flew open again and George stood there in the opening with his fists clenched. 'You're making me really mad and you don't want to see me mad, okay?'

'Get mad at me, babyyyy. Touch meeee.'

George stood there crying and he suddenly hit the wall. 'You're driving me insane.'

I was feeling very tired suddenly and closed my eyes. 'Sleeeeeeep.'

'Yeah, sleep and shut your mouth.'

I started dozing off and George walked away again. When I listened carefully I heard him sob softly, he was talking softly to someone.

'Help, he threw up twice and he's going to sleep now, but I can't handle it. Okay, thanks.'

The door downstairs opened and George went downstairs. I could hear him speak with someone and later a lady walked in my room. She looked at me and I rolled to my back.


'Clay, can you go to sleep, please?'


'But Clay, prepare yourself. You might not realise anything of what happened today, but you're going to feel really bad when you wake up. Not only because you're going to be hungover, but also because you relapsed.'


'You drank again.'


I rolled to my side and closed my eyes. I heard the door close and I heard George's mum comfort George. I just didn't realise what was going on. Everything was funny and everything was good. The world was amazing, I felt amazing. I missed feeling this amazing, I wanted this feeling forever. George was probably not mad at me, he was just playing with me.

I curled up like a ball and sighed softly, falling asleep just ten minutes later.

1013 words

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