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-Mentions self harm
-Mentions relapse alcohol addiction
-Mentions throwing up (very few)
-Mentions mental abuse

George's POV

It was literally hours later when Clay was able to go home again. He was really tired, he had thrown up a lot and he had a really bad headache. He could only think about sleep and on our way back to my house, he fell asleep on my shoulder.

Because it was going completely wrong with Clay, he was going back to the rehab centre after he slept for a little. His therapist was going to get Clay away from his parents after I called him to tell him what happened. What his parents did, was just pure child abuse. Letting your addicted child sit in front of alcohol, I was so mad at them. He could have been dead and they wouldn't even have cared.

Clay's therapist was also really mad at his parents, this was literally the worst thing they could have done and I couldn't understand how they could do something like this. If they wanted a non addicted child, they should just help him with his rehab, but no. Instead they let him sit in front of alcohol, they were actually sick in their heads.

I looked at Clay sleeping on my shoulder. I had my arm wrapped around his shoulders and Clay fell asleep immediately. He had his mouth slightly open and his cheeks were really pink, it was pretty cute. Whatever he did or however he acted, I would always keep loving him.

When Clay was sober again, he cried for minutes long. He felt really guilty about relapsing twice in just a few days, but I told him what happened and he was also mad at his parents. He couldn't remember anything of what happened, but he could remember that his parents forced him to sit in front of the alcohol or he would get kicked out.

My mum stopped the car in front of our house and I woke Clay up. He looked a little confused and smiled at me. 'George.'

'Hey, Clay. We are at my place, you can go sleep until five pm and my mum will bring you to the rehab centre, okay? I'm going inpatient tomorrow, so I'll see you there then.'

'George, I'm genuinely so sorry. I'm so hard to handle and you already have so much problems. I'm so sorry, forgive me. Do you still want to be my friend?'

'I would still love to be your friend. You're going in rehab again and you will overcome this, okay? You're going to live somewhere else if your parents won't let you recover.'

'I really want to be gone there.'

'Maybe you can stay with me for a little.'

'I would love too. You respect the fact I can't have alcohol around me.'

'Of course we do, Clay. You're in rehab and you want to recover. I want to help you in any way to help you over this addiction. And I just want to say, alcohol might be a big problem. But your smoking and drug addiction are way less. You're making it worse in your head that you're never getting better and you haven't improved any bit, but I can tell you that you have.'

Clay smiled shyly and nodded. 'Maybe you're right. I'm over my smoking addiction and drugs is going way better too, I have less thoughts of doing that again.'

'See, you're improving a lot. I'm proud of you.'

Clay's head lifted up and I saw his eyes sparkle a little. 'You're proud of me?'

'I am, I genuinely am.'

'Really? Of me?'

'Of you, I'm really proud of you.'

'No one has ever been proud of me.'

'But I am, I'm really proud of you and I'll keep saying that until you will see it yourself too. You're doing really good and you might be relapsing now, but that's fine. You're just going back in rehab and you will beat this addiction too, okay? I promise you, if you really want this, you can do it.'

'George, I really love you a lot. It's breaking my heart that we might not see each other often these next weeks.'

'Clay, we will get through it. If we can go outside everyday, maybe we can see each other shortly everyday?'

'We might be able to, but I want to cuddle with you when we fall asleep.'

Clay started crying and I lifted him up, out of the car. We walked upstairs together and he fell down on my bed. I gave him some medicine and he cuddled up with me.

'George, I don't want to be creepy, but I love you so much. I have never felt anything like this before, I have never had real friends before and I must be honest. It's really overwhelming, it's really overwhelming to have such a great friend when I've always been alone.'

He took a deep breath and continued.

'Every time I look at you I'm surprised about your beauty again. You're the most handsome boy I have ever seen in my whole life. You're the most beautiful person I have ever seen to be fair. I love the way you look, I love your personality the most. I love everything about you, even your scars and wounds. They show me how strong you are.'

I could only smile and blushed brightly as he kept saying those sweet and nice things to me.

'And I'm going to kiss all your wounds before I go to sleep. I will kiss them as long as they fade away and I will kiss your scars as long as I exist. I will always keep loving you and I will never stop staying that to you. You're the first one to respect me, you're the first one to care. I can't even tell you how precious you are and I wouldn't let you go for anything in this whole world.'

He ended his sentence in kissing all my wounds and scars and fell asleep in my arms after.

1058 words

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