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-Mental abuse
-Relapse (usage alcohol/drunk)
-Throwing up/alcohol poisoning

Clay's POV

I had spent two days with George and it was Monday today. Wednesday he would go into inpatient and so was I. I had to do a thirty day traject this time and George would be inpatient for at least a month, but everything would get less strict if it went well.

Everything went well last days. I had a lot of urges to do alcohol again, but they didn't have anything so I could resist myself. George had cut himself once, but it were three small cuts. Of course it was just as bad as when he cut a lot, since it had the same intention, but he asked for help. That made me proud.

I really startled of how bad his trauma was, now I was there with him, we slept in the same bed because they had no other rooms. He had around five nightmares a night and he screamed and cried for hours then. For some reason he calmed down quickly with me. He literally had three to five panic attacks about it a day in which he saw every detail again. Luckily I calmed him down quickly.

Unfortunately my parents were at home and I could go back there. I wanted to stay with George, but I had to go back someday. George's mum had brought me home. George went with us and he hugged me goodbye as I stepped out of the car, walking to the door. I rang the bell waiting for my parents to open.

My dad opened up a minute later and I went in, seeing the worst thing I could have ever expected.

'Clay, I won't accept any of this bullshit. You relapsed and I'm sick of you. I don't want an addicted son and you are going to behave yourself or we will kick you out.'

'But-,' I started, looking at the table in shock. They had filled the whole table with bottles of alcohol.

'You are going to sit here on the couch in front of all this alcohol and we are leaving you alone here. If we come back and you're drunk, you're going to be kicked out forever.'

'You really can't do this. I'm in rehab, please don't do this to me. I have to have no alcohol around me at all.'

'You're seventeen, Clay. If you can't even sit in front of alcohol, you will never get better.'

'I'm trying to recover, please you can't do this.'

'Too bad, Clay. Try and behave yourself and we'll talk about this.'

My dad even grinned at me, walked to the door and slammed it in my face. I was staring with big eyes at the table with all the alcohol. I knew I started shaking and breathing faster. I wanted it, I needed it. I really did.

I could text George before I did anything, but I couldn't resist myself anymore. I grabbed a bottle and opened it. I just couldn't resist myself. Just before I started drinking I went to George's chat.


I didn't wait for his answer and I started drinking. I really wanted to stop myself, I really wanted to, I had to. I couldn't, I just couldn't stop anymore. I had tears streaming down my face as I drank for minutes long. All seven bottles on the table had been opened and I had drank at least a quarter of them all.

I kept drinking and drinking and before George even came here, I had already thrown up. I drank way too much, but for some reason I realised what I was doing. I started crying loudly and I got mad. I got really mad at my parents, it was their fault. They did this to me. I laid down on the couch, as nauseous as I could possibly be.

I was crying loudly and I was very angry at the same time as I threw up again. I didn't have anything to throw up into, so whoever would find me first, would get really mad at me. I threw up on the ground twice and I was drunk again.

It took five more minutes for the door to open and I had completely lost it. I threw up three more times and I was shaking and cold. I felt a little dizzy and I was really nauseous. It felt like I was going to pass out.

I heard someone ran towards me, but I didn't realise who it was, I was confused about anything that happened around me. I didn't even want to understand what was happening. I was feeling really weird and I heard people running around me. I got given a bucket and I was glad for that since I threw up again.

'Clay, look at me.'

I looked up, but my eyes rolled away.

'Call an ambulance, George. He has alcohol poisoning.'

A woman had cleaned up the floor and she kneeled down next to me.

'Come Clay, do you want to lay down on your side? The ambulance is coming, okay? You have to lay on your side so you won't choke if you throw up again.'


'Come, lay on your side.'


'I'm his mother.'


'George is on the phone.'

'I love George. I want to be his frieeeeend.'

'Do you?'


'Where are your parents?'

'I don't knowwwww, they hate meeee.'


'I'm an addicttttt, I'll never get betteeeeerrr.'

'Where did you get all this alcohol from?'

'They gave meeee a challengeeee.'

'A challenge?'

'Hold on,' I said, pointing my finger in the air. I grabbed the bucket and I threw up again. George's mum gave me a napkin to clean my mouth and gave me a lot of water to drink.

'What challenge?'

'I had to resist the alcohoool, funny gameee.'

'Did they put the alcohol on the table?'

'YES, funny gameeeees.'

I had no idea what was happening and before I even realised what was going on, an ambulance arrived in front of my house and I got taken with them.

1018 words

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