🪄 Solomon x Reader - Sweep Me Off My Feet 🪄

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A/N: Yes, I have mentioned that I don't like Solomon much, but I kept having this one idea for a oneshot with him and it wouldn't go away. 

Takes place in Lesson 8-8. Solomon saves reader from the clutches of Lucifer and dances with them.

So for all you Solomon lovers, here you go. :)


"I respect my brother's freedom to do as they wish. However, if I ever sense that you've become a threat to either Diavolo or us..." Lucifer began. Eyes sharp and narrowed, he leaned forward until he was an inch away from my face.

Making it quite uncomfortable as I was already within his clutches. I felt his breath sweep across my face causing my eyes to flutter. His four wings expanded to its fullest length and raised themselves to slightly surround us. One of his arms was wrapped firmly across my lower back pressing me against him tightly; my chest flushed against his torso. His other hand held mine in a death grip. The sound of leather clenching reached my ears as his long and slender fingers increased pressure, especially when he emphasized the word threat. I bit my tongue tightly, to keep from crying out. Lucifer's hold on my hand felt like it was seconds away from being completely crushed. As I beheld him in his demonic form, I felt terror flood through my veins.

"...then I will show you absolutely no mercy. Understood?" He questioned.  His face shifting into a deadly scowl.

I tried my absolute best to keep my composure in front of him and the others, as to not cause a scene. I grew shaky the more my hand became numb beneath his red leather glove. I tried my best to ensure he could trust me, but with Lucifer nothing was ever so easy. He was simply not one to open up and allow someone in. I understood it was in his nature to be this way, but his words hurt me somehow. I wanted him to trust me. I wanted him to understand I was here to help.

I breathed in slowly to calm my beating heart. My E/C eyes slipped away from his heated stare. "I want to be good friends with all of you, Lucifer." I weakly stated, my voice almost a whisper.

He was quick to reply to my statement. "Well, that's not what I want." His deep voice loud enough to share between us. 

Again, his warm breath fanned across my face. I somehow mustered up the courage to fixate my eyes on his once more. There was something in his expression that was guarded, the deep scowl he once held lessened into something I couldn't quite describe. I questioned whether the words he spoke were true. 

My eyes slowly descended until I met his chest. I felt my eyes grow heated and my frustration almost got the best of me right there. Every time I made a step forward, suddenly something would happen between us and I was 10 steps backwards. 

Suddenly another voice startled me from my thoughts. 

"...Pardon me." 

As I turned my head, Solomon looked to me for a moment and smiled. Turning his attention back to Lucifer he continued. "Well, looks like a new song has started. I'd love the chance to dance with Y/N. Might I cut in?

I immediately felt relieved at the prospect of being free from Lucifer's grip on me. 

"...Fine. I get the feeling that you've gotten the message and you understand what I'm telling you, Y/N. I'm glad we got to have this little talk." With a sinister smile, Lucifer began to walk away. However, he did not miss the chance to intimidate me one last time. His crimson eyes, like hell fire, threatened to consume me whole as they settled on me until he was out of sight.  

"You look pale. Did Lucifer say something to you?" Solomon asked. His eyes attentive as they shifted to each of my E/C eyes in concern. 

"Thanks for coming to my rescue there." I began to massage my left hand as I worked to bring back feeling into each of my fingers. 

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