👥 Scenario - When They Find MC With Cerberus | 2K Special! 10 of 12 👥

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A/N: Fun little scenario I thought I'd write about. I feel like Cerberus doesn't get much attention in Obey Me! and he totally should!

Summary: MC decided to visit Cerberus and their favorite brother finds them. Fun little one shot.



Lucifer rushed down into the House of Lamentation's underground tomb. His crimson eyes honed in on you hugging onto one of the demon dogs' legs and nuzzling your cheek against their chest. You kept telling the beast they were good boys and the three heads lowered, surrounding you in their own form of a hug. They rubbed their wet noses against you and you chuckled at the sensation. They all whined expressing their happiness at receiving physical affection. Lucifer sighed exasperated and held onto his forehead. He then walked over to you and warned you to be careful. He then joined you and gave his loyal pet scratches behind each of their ears with both hands. 


Mammon walked down into the House of Lamentation's underground tomb and sees you on the ground with Cerberus' three heads on you. Your arms and legs were flailing and you kept begging to stop in a strained voice. Mammon felt pure fear take over and he rushed over and used his strength as the second oldest, wrestling against the beast to get you off. Cerberus stopped what they were doing and raised their heads a bit, but still kept it low. All of their ears flattened. It's revealed you were being tickled and laughing happily. Cerberus didn't appreciate being man-handled and each head turns to Mammon, their tight lips forming a large snarl. Mammon tensed up and froze. Each of their breaths fogged up his shades causing him to sputter. He starts screaming and running for his life. 


Levi ran down the stairs and into the underground tomb, almost tripping along the way. He saw you laying down beside Cerberus who was curled up against you. You were ranting about an anime in comparison to its manga. You sounded quite passionate and the heads would comfort you whenever you seemed too angry for words and just waved your hands around. Animated on the topic. Levi snickered into his hand at the sight and took a picture of you on his D.D.D. Levi cautiously stepped closer and joined in on your rant. It wasn't at all surprising when the discussion somehow shifted onto The Tale of the Seven Lords. Levi started ranting to Cerberus and started discussing the theatrical releases and why the 2015 version was better than the 1990s version.


Satan quickly walked down into the underground tomb and you got caught [;)] sitting in front of Cerberus. Their three heads were enveloped around you, looking down at your book as you read them a bedtime story. Satan shook his head in disbelief. You had the three heads' undivided attention. You found it fun to read to such an intelligent animal who seemingly understood what you said. Your voice continued to read the text from the book and the heads would nudge you a bit each time you would pause. Almost as if they wanted you to hurry and turn the page, so they could continue to listen to your voice and hear the rest of the story. Satan walked over and sat down, happy you were spreading your love for literature. Even if it was to a demonic beast who far surpassed you in size. 


Asmo walks down the stairs holding onto the railing and enters the underground tomb. His amber eyes catches you placing a kiss on each of the head's cheeks and telling them how adorable, cute and beautiful they were. Asmo places a hand against his chest and squeals about how cute the scene is. Asmo runs over and joins in on the love by hugging the beast and telling them how soft their fur is. Asmo looks at you with sultry eyes and flirtatiously tells you he wants kisses too. One of the heads barks and they each began licking Asmo's face who started to scream horrified at being covered in huge globs of saliva. You laugh behind your hand.


Beel jumps down the steps two at a time and enters the underground tomb. He sees you feeding Cerberus and his mouth begins to drool. He gets closer and happily picks up a piece of food. Beel was just about to toss it into his mouth when one of the heads turns towards him and growls in warning. Beel frowns and pulls the food away from his mouth and into the head's instead. The dog eats the food off his hand. You call out to Beel quietly and sneak a hand behind your back offering him some food, using your other to keep the other heads fed and distracted. Beel's eyes shine with happiness at the sight of food and he quickly grabs your offering and shoves it into his mouth before the demon dog sees.


Belphie walks down into the underground tomb and he sees Cerberus laying on their back with you laying on top of their chest fast asleep. Your snores were drowned out by the large demon dog. Its one raised paw twitched in its sleep. Belphie chuckled lowly and observed the scene for a few seconds before he shrugged and decided it looked comfortable enough that he wanted to try it too. He walks over quietly and climbs onto the beast. Cerberus huffed a bit and one head raised opened its eyes and stared at Belphie. Belphie looks at the one head and puts a finger to his lips shushing it. The head groans lowly and lowers back down to sleep. Belphie lays beside you with his cow pillow and joins you in sleep. Both of your bodies rising and falling with every breath the demon dog takes.


A/N: Wow! I never thought it was possible for me to write short scenarios again. I surprise myself.

Be honest: Do you enjoy my mega long stories or do you prefer shorter ones? I struggle with this because when I write, I think about you the reader and I put myself in your shoes. I always love when a good story has loads to offer and keeps my interest and develops. Sometimes I get a bit disappointed if they're so short because I want more haha. I feel like with my way of writing, I want to give you the reader, as much as I can - the best I can. 

It's hard to be just one and done for me. IDK

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