🧡 Leviathan x Reader - Just Come To Me 🧡

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A/N: I decided to write a oneshot that deals with anxiety. It's something I personally deal with and I kinda wanted a sort of outlet through writing. If reading about it can trigger your anxiety, feel free to avoid this one. To those that go on reading, hopefully it can provide some comfort to know you are not alone. 

I hope you are all doing well and please always take care of yourself. Treat yourself and try not to be too hard on yourself. Wishing you all love. <3

Summary: Y/N's emotions feel all over the place and they begin to feel overwhelmed with their anxiety. Trying to focus on putting on a composed front, while in the presence of others, slowly pushes them over the edge. Levi senses this and sympathizes with the feeling.


Y/N felt it building up. A cold chill passed through their body like a bucket of ice cold water was spilled on them. In nervous response, they anxiously began to wring their hands together on their lap. Somehow hoping they can will away the uncomfortable feeling brewing. 

Breathing felt difficult. No matter how much oxygen they took in they still felt out of breath. Y/N discreetly kept taking in deep breaths. They couldn't shake off the feeling of unease. Internally panicking, their temples pulsed rapidly as a headache developed from the stress they were now under. 

Calm down Y/N. Just calm down. Please.

They were thankful they were wearing a full face of makeup because they were pretty sure that underneath they began to look unwell and it would've been noticeable. Unable to convince themselves everything was ok, they felt tears well up in their eyes. Quickly looking down, Y/N tried not to call attention to themselves at the dinner table with the seven brothers present. 

"Y/N? You've been unusually quiet. Is something the matter?" Lucifer asked with a concerned expression. 

Clearing their throats, they willed their eyes to clear. They could feel everyone staring and their heart rate picked up. Y/N could see Belphie's curious stare from their peripheral, it caused them to feel extremely unnerved because he was quite perceptive. Y/N didn't want their best kept secret found out.

"I'm fine." Y/N quickly looked up at Lucifer and nodded. Returning their eyes back to their plate of food they pushed around with their spoon.

"You haven't really eaten much. Are you feeling unwell?"  Beel asked from their right. Purple eyes studying Y/N's plate and how they just played with their food.

Y/N breathed in through their nose. They began to grow irritated with each question. Y/N knew they meant well, but all their mental energy was being used just to avoid from having a breakdown. The attention they were now receiving wasn't helping them. It made it harder to work through the anxiety while at the same time trying to act normal.

"Aww Y/N if you aren't feeling well I have some remedies that work wonders~" Asmo chimed and then proceeded to tell Y/N about different remedies and their benefits.

The more Asmo talked, the more Y/N felt themselves losing patience. They tried their best to nod and respond here and there, but they were reaching their limit. An uncontrollable anger flared up within them.

"...Doesn't that sound nice Y/N?" 

"Yes." They replied a little too loudly. A little too harshly. This caused Satan to stare at them in surprise. Just breathe Y/N.

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