👥 Scenario - The Forgotten Two Pt. 2 ft. OC | 2K Special! 6 of 12 👥

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A/N: This second part introduces my other OC. <3 This one is set up differently from the first one because MC didn't seek out Infidus. It's the other way around. I also really wanted each of the brothers to face a confrontation with him and it was a fun challenge to come up with their history with each other. I also wanted to show a sort of parallel between some of the brothers and Infidus. I tell you the amount of rewriting I did is insane!! Specifically with Satan because I kept going different directions and I wasn't sure how I wanted it to end up. It took me a few days with struggling with it.

Summary: A demon dubbed as being a part of "The Forgotten Two" meet MC and they begin causing trouble. Infidus poses a problem and faces off with each of the seven demon brothers. Slight AU.

Infidus aka "Two Face" - Latin for: Faithless, Unfaithful, disloyal, unreliable, untrue. Latin for treacherous.


OC 2 - Infidus


Lucifer walked down the hallways of R.A.D ready to meet with you and his brothers, so you can all be on your way. However, when he turned a corner he spotted one troublesome demon who seemed to attach himself to his human. Lucifer's expression turned sour and his hands, hidden behind crimson leather, clenched into tight fists.

"U-Um I really need to go.." You tried dodging Infidus' advances. He kept trying to get in your personal space and throw an arm around your shoulders.

"No need to be so shy human." Infidus laughed.

Heavy and quick footsteps sounded and you looked up in relief when you saw it was none other than Lucifer.

"Y/N, come this way." Lucifer raised an open hand and you did not hesitate to run over and grasp it. Lucifer pulled you away from the demon and kept you safely behind his tall figure. Lucifer's dark eyes pulled away from you and landed on Infidus with a harsh stare. "Still up to your tricks aren't you Infidus?" Lucifer asked. His tone angry.

Infidus shrugged nonchalantly and chuckled. "It isn't everyday that a human gets to free roam the Devildom ya know?"

You listened to the exchange and was confused. Sounds like they've known each other for a very long time.

Lucifer's teeth clenched. "It would do you good to stay away from them. This human is under our protection, if something should happen.." Lucifer's dark aura surrounded his form. "You shall face not only Lord Diavolo's wrath, but my own."

Infidus raised an amused brow at Lucifer's threat. "Very cute Lucifer. Speaking of wrath, how's Satan been doing lately? Still can't get him on a leash can you?" Infidus walked right up to Lucifer.

Your eyes widened. Does this guy have a death wish?!

Infidus lowered himself into a mocking bow, keeping his yellow eyes trained on Lucifer. He then rose and grinned. "You pride yourself in acting like you have everything together, yet you're probably the biggest mess underneath it all." Infidus laughs. "Even your own brothers despise you." He shakes his head and tuts as he walks away.

Lucifer's brows are drawn tightly together and his scowl grows deeper.

You watch the offending demon disappear down the hallway and run over to Lucifer's front. Lucifer's crimson eyes stared ahead and his expression was blank. You reached for his hand, gently wrapping your fingers around.

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