Chapter 6

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Third Person's POV

Naeun and Jiwon walked out of the 'The Body Shop' at the mall. They walked to a cafe and sat down. An iced tea and orange juice was ordered.

"So, I think we bought all the stuffs for the holiday. Let see, toothbrush...toothpaste...ramen..." Naeun checked her shopping bag. "Remind me again why do we need ramen?" Jiwon said.

Naeun chuckled. "It's for us to eat in the hotel room at late night. Like, at 2am. I wouldn't want to go out on the streets. Lazy and scared." Jiwon nodded, satisfied with her friend's answer.

The drinks arrived and they drank it one go. "Come on. Tomorrow's exam. We need to study." Jiwon stood up, getting her shopping bag. Naeun groaned. "Ugh. Why do we need to take exams?" "To test if you're a human, pabo." Jiwon said, smiling.
"Right. Good answer."

They went back to their house and open their books. Study is a must for today.


"Time is up. Stop writing and put your pens down. The one at the back, collect the papers." The homeroom teacher spoke, walking with both her hands at the back.

So, with her orders, each student at the back of each rows, stood up and collected the papers, back to the front. Once done, the papers were put on the teacher's table.

The homeroom teacher counted the papers, making sure it's enough. She looked at the students.

"Congratulations on finishing your last paper. Your results will be out after the holiday. After one month, get back here and pay more attention to the class. Understand?" The homeroom teacher said, sternly.

"Understood." The students answered. The bell rings. "Okay. That's all." The president stood up. "Attention. Bow."


Naeun, Jongin, Lay and Jiwon sat on the chair in Kkamong Cafe. They didn't order anything. "The hotel we're staying is at Hotel Skypark Jeju 1. How's that?'' Lay opened his notebook,or what he call it, 'Holiday's Organization and Diary'. 

Jiwon's eyes went wide open. ''Jinjja?? I hear it's so expensive. How do you manage to pay for it?''. Jongin smiled. ''Well, the money from you guy's savings, my savings, Lay's and Naeun's omma gave us some plus, my part-time money from when before i went to this school. All that money managed to make it.'' he explained.

Naeun nodded. She took out her notebook and a pen. She wrote down what she was saying. ''Okay. Me and Jiwon already surveyed some places that are interesting to visit, and also some shopping malls.'' ''We also made plans on what we are going to do when we get there. You guys don't mind, right?'' Jiwon added.

''Nope. We'd love to hear your plans.''Lay said. Hearing Lay, Naeun smiled, relieved that the guys don't mind. ''I'll tell you the timetable of our holiday. .... On the day we get there, which is tomorrow on Saturday, we'll rest first. Then, we go get dinner and go on a nightwalk or nightseeing or whatever you call it.'' She pause, looking at the guys. ''Then, on Sunday, i'm planning to go the Cheonjiyeon Waterfall. We'll go after breakfast, 10am and i estimated it will be until 1pm. We'll have lunch at some nearby restaurant.''

Jongin shows two thumbs up. ''Nice! I like it already.'' Naeun smiled, happy hearing her boyfriend. ''After that, we'll go straight to the shopping mall and do some shoppings. Dinner, lets just eat pizza in the hotel room. That's it.'' Naeun ended and closed her notebook. Lay and Jongin was confused. 

''Naeun, how about the other two remaining days? Monday and Tuesday?'' Lay asked. ''Ahh, that, we left it for you two to plan it out. That way, it's fair between us.'' Naeun explained. 

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