Chapter 9

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Lay's POV

I got off the car and so did she. I decided to cheer Naeun up, so I asked her to go to the mall with me, even though she rejected my offer. "Just why are we at the mall at 8am on Sunday? Tomorrow's school and I want to sleep." She said at the other side of the car.

I sighed. "I need to buy something and I want you to help me buy it. Also, I want to have fun. Can't I have fun with you?" I asked her. She rolled her eyes at me. ''Fine. But, you owe me a morning sleep.'' She pointed her index finger to me. ''Come on. I promise, It'll be fun.''

We went inside the mall and head straight to where i want to go, the shoe shop. Why shoe shop you asked? Well, she's been complaining to me, since last year that she wanted a new shoe, but her mom wouldn't allow her until her current shoe got worn out. And, until today, her current shoe is perfectly fine.

''Shoes? You want to buy shoes?'' She asked, looking confusely at the shoe shop in front of us. ''No. It's not me. It's you.'' I said. She looked at me with questioning eyes. ''Since when did i say i want to buy shoes? You're the one who dragged me out of bed this morning just to go to the mall, Mr. Zhang.'' ''Since last year.'' i answered her question.

Her eyebrow shot up. ''What?'' I chuckled slightly. ''You forgot? You complained to me that you badly want new shoes.'' She scoffed a little. ''Wow. You remember that from last year and now, you want to buy it for me this year?'' Can't she appreciate what i'm doing to her?

''Kidding. Lets go!'' She smiled and pulled me in the shoe shop with her.

After hours of choosing and trying on tons of shoes, she picked the converse/sneakers type. Good news, there's a sale and the customer gets 1 free shoe if 1 shoe is bought. So, we get another pair. It's the same brand and style as her, only it's for men's. She picked it out herself.

''This is for you. Friendship shoe.'' She put it on me and i was, of course, sitting on a cushion. I felt happy that she put it on me, but a bit dissapointed when she said, 'friendship shoe'.

Naeun-ah, to me, it's a couple shoe. Our first couple item even though it's just me thinking it like that.

We exited the shoe shop with wearing our new 'couple shoe' and rode the escalator. I had a surprise in mind for her, She'll definitely love it! ''Hah! An arcade?! Lay, i love it!'' She side-hug me when we arrived at the arcade. Yep, she loves arcade. It's her special place where she lets out all her tensions and stresses.

''Now, what shall we start with?'' I asked her. ''I say, the buming car game!'' And she pulled me to where the bumping car is located.

After 10 minutes of bumping car, she pulled me to the dancing one. Is she crazy? I've lost all my energy at the bumping car section, and now she wants to compete with me? ''Naeun, i'm tired. Lets play something else.'' I said, looking around, searching for other games that don't use a lot of energy.

''Andwae. I want this. You said you want to have fun. Well, this is fun, my dear friend.'' She blabbers and puts two token in the slot. I just sighed and put the paper bags which contain our old shoes, aside and i stood beside her.

''You ready?'' she asked and her face is filled with enthusiasm. ''Alright, bring it on. They don't call me dancing machine for nothing, do they?'' I chuckled and got ready for the battle to begin.

The battle starts and we both started dancing, following the steps on the screen. ''Yah! Slow down! I can't catch up!'' I heard her shout. ''Uh-uh. No can't do. It's a battle!'' I shouted back. ''Fine. I'll beat you.'' She replied.

I just smiled and continue dancing, all my attention to the battle, not worrying about what's around me. Then, the battle comes to an end and gues what, i won! ''Yes!! I win!'' I jumped up and down, throwing my fist in the air multiple times. But there was no reaction from Naeun.

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