Chapter 14

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Third Person's POV

Days passed by very fast. Everyone was busy; studying for the upcoming exams, practising for the camp.

Lay and Naeun had practised for 5 days straight, making sure every step is perfect. Thanks to Lay who is a master at dancing, Naeun doesn't have anything to worry about.

"I didn't know you are good in dancing." Naeun exclaimed, sitting on the floor of their dance studio. Lay stood up. "Hey, I'm Lay alright." He said with confidence.

"Tsk." Naeun glared at him;can't handle him being so full of himself. "Now, get up. Last practise."

And they danced away.


Naeun entered the classroom, straight to her table and sat down. Jiwon was already there, ignoring her.

For a moment, they didn't talk nor glance at each other. For Naeun, she was thinking about whether she should ask her or not. Finally, she comes to a decision.

She turned to look at Jiwon who's writing. "Emm, I suppose, you're not going tomorrow?" Naeun starts asking. Jiwon looked at her and nodded.

"I bet you're happy." She smiled. "What?.." Naeun was in the state of confuse. "Ouch!" She nearly shouted as she feels pain on her left foot. She looked down and sees Jiwon's foot on hers. She looked up again.

"Don't think you can hang around Jongin when I'm not there. He's mine, remember?" She smiled and took her foot off Naeun's.

And Naeun just faced the blackboard, waiting for the teacher to come in and start the class.


".....and Jongin?" Mrs. Jung read the last name on the attendance. "Here." Jongin replied, sitting at the very back seat in the bus, putting his hands up.

"Okay. We'll head off to the airport and at 10:45am, we'll board the plane to Jeju Island." Mrs. Jung sat back down on her seat, eating and drinking biscuits and milk for her breakfast. Well, today's morning was a hectic to her.

"Woo!!! Lets go!!!" The students cheered, clapping and jumping up and down from their seat. They couldn't stay still as this is their first trip in such a long time.


"Lay, what seat did you get?" Naeun asked, peeking over at Lay's ticket. "A25. You?" Lay asked, now peeking over at Naeun's ticket. "Oh. What a bummer. I wanted to sit next to you." Naeun said, her once confidence shoulders dropped.

"I got A33. 2 rows behind you." She continued. "That's okay. Maybe we'll get to sit together on the way back. Don't worry." Lay put his hands on her shoulder, giving her spirits.

"Girls, boys! Come on! We have to board the flight. Or else, we're going to miss it!" Mrs. Jung shouted, motioning the students to go to the departure gate with her hands.

Naeun's POV

Phew! It's fortunate that we get to board the plane. I settled down on my seat and put my backpack down at my feet. I peeked over the seats in front of me and saw Lay talking with his friends.

Hmm, I really wanted to sit with him. Well, maybe on the way back.

I turned to my left which where the small window was. I'm sitting at the very side of the three seats. Thank God I got this seat as I like to sit beside the window.

I pulled up the window and bright light came in. Ah, the weather's nice today. I bet it'll be more nice in Jeju.

As I was closing my eyes, relaxing my mind off, I felt someone sat beside me as his/her's bag hit me a bit.

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