Chapter 4

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Okay,okay. Here's another update. You didn't wait long right? Or you did? If you did, i'm so sorry. Hehe. I'll make it up to you guys with this update. Love you!

Naeun's POV

''Ya! Why are you smilling like a fool? Did you get a boyfriend?'' I saw Eunji, my eonni yelling at me, first thing in the morning in the living room.

I remove my headphone and hang it around my neck. I stood up from the sofa. ''Yeah. So? Why are you jealous that i got a boyfriend and you don't?''

''Mwo?! Eomma!! Look at her!! Ugh!'' she screams and eomma came running in like the earth was about to end. ''Wae? Did anyone got hurt?'' she asked. Eonni shook her head ''Naeun. She got a boyfriend.''

Eomma looked suprised. ''Really? That's good for you! Aww, my baby has a boyfriend now.'' she carresed my cheeks. I smiled at her and made faces to eonni.

''Eomma!'' she stomps her feet on the floor. Ugh, she's acting like a child. ''What? You need to get a boyfriend as well. I'm not young anymore to take care of you. You need a husband, pronto.''.

''Ugh!!!!'' she went upstairs. I high-five with my mom. ''Good one eomma!''. ''Hehe, that's what moms are for right? Okay then, i need to get back to the kitchen.'' she says and went off to the kitchen.

I like having her as my mom. And i'm glad that mom support me for having a boyfriend.Oh, speaking about boyfriend, i want to call him, like a morning call. I sit back on the sofa and called him. But, he didn't pick up. I tried again, but no answer. Is he still not up yet?

Hmm, guess i call him sometimes afternoon. 

Jongin's POV

"You bastard!!!! Don't you dare pick up the phone!" Dad says as he took my phone away from me and smashed it on the floor. My phone!! "Appa!!!" I bent down and pick up my phone. It's gone!

"I told you not to go to school but why didn't you listen to me?!! I don't have the money to pay for you school expenses!" He kicked me in the stomach and pushed me to the floor.

It's  been like this for a while. I always get beaten up by him and sometimes, I don't have the strength to fight him. He likes to gambles and a part of the gangster, but he was betrayed by his own members for not having money. How ridiculous is that right?

"Get up! Why? You scared? You want your mom? Well, your stupid mom is gone to hell!!" He screamed and punched my face. My lips were bleeding and it really hurts.

The sudden mention of mom made me rise up, mad. I lunge towards him and punched his face continuosly. "Don't.  You. Ever. Talk. About. Mom. Like. That. !!"

But somehow, he managed to get up and kick me once more in my stomach. And this time, I really don't have any strength. He punched my face, never stopping even one hit. I just let him do what he want. That's the only way to stop this.

A couple of minutes, he got up and left. The house was in a mess. Blood was everywhere on my face. Bruises everywhere. I really feel like sleeping. But, someone knocked on the door.

I got up slowly, my hand holding my stomach to bear the pain. I opened the door and saw three man in black, leather jackets. Oh no.

"Mr. Kim's house?" The one in the middle asked. I nodded, not having even one strength to talk. "Where is he?" The left one asked. "He...he left...a while...ago. I...d-don't know...where....he went." I barely even talk.

"Oh well, looks like he ran away." The right one chuckled. "Looks like you need to save him." "W-what do you m-mean save him?" I don't get this. It's confusing. "Pay all his loans. Including this house rent fee." The left one said.

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