Chapter 11

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And among some bushes, a bit far from where they're sitting, Naeun had witnessed and heard everything.


Naeun's POV

So...J-jiwon, she t-told Jongin bad t-things about me? Why is she doing that? I can't believe her.

She's my only bestfriend and she dared to do that?, why is she doing this? Why? Why would she lie to Jongin and tell false things about me to him? I don't get it.

I need to talk to her.

Next day...
Third Person's POV

Naeun stopped walking and stood in the middle of the school hallway. She looked at Jiwon who's walking from the other direction from hers. Jiwon was heading to her.

Jiwon stopped in front of Naeun and smiled.

"Hey. I'm sorry about yesterday. Jongin is not himself. I'm sorry on his behalf. Please don't have any hard feelings for him." Jiwon stared at Naeun, hoping Naeun would not have any hard feelings.

Naeun remembered what she heard yesterday. Yesterday, she saw Jiwon being all different, as if the girl she saw yesterday, wasn't Jiwon that she knew.

And today, Jiwon was being herself, her usual self. "Oh,'s fine. I'm fine." Naeun lied. "Really? That's a relief!" Jiwon sighed and smiled.

Suddenly, Jiwon saw Jongin walking to their direction. She suddenly thought of something and quickly took Naeun's right hand and put it on her head.

She fake cried and shouted. She made it look like Naeun was pulling her hair. Naeun stared at Jiwon confused, but her hand was still grabbing on Jiwon's hair.

Jongin saw that and ran to the girls, taking Jiwon away from Naeun. "Didn't you remember my warning? Or are you stupid?" Jongin attacked and Jiwon hid behind Jongin, looking scared.

Naeun was still confused with the situation. ", I didn't.. do it. She..she.." "She what? I saw with my own eyes that you pulled her hair, aggressively!" Jongin shouted, making the students around them stopped from what they're doing and stared at them three.

"What should I do to you? Should I hit you?" Jongin asked. "I can't. You're a girl. A guy can't hit a girl, right?" He chuckled, not in a friendly way.

Naeun started to feel furious with Jongin. She felt like she was being teached like a little girl. "Why are you like this to me? Why are you always mean to me?!" She raised her voice.

"Because you're bullying Jiwon! I don't like you bullying Jiwon!" "Why? What is Jiwon to you? What am I to you?"

Jongin stared at Naeun with hatred. "You're nothing to me. You're a dark figure who makes trouble and who I hate." A tear went out of Naeun's eye. "Jiwon, she's the most important girl and who I love and will protect."

"Now, lets go Jiwon. I hate people seeing me with a girl like her." Jongin took Jiwon's hand and left Naeun alone, crying.

Her tears kept flowing down her cheeks. She kept thinking about what Jongin said.

No,no. He must be lying. He wouldn't say that to me! He wouldn't! She thought.

She wiped her tears and ran to the stairs, leading to ground floor where he cafeteria is. Unfortunately, her foot tripped by itself and she tumbled down the stairs, spraining her leg and hurting her both arms and her back.

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