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The class ended smoothly as Haechan and Jaemin was walking at the university's hallway, when the tanned male spotted his favorite professor, struggling, holding 3 bags and books on its arms.

"I guess I need to leave now, sayonara bitch" Jaemin said, noticing the boy beside him, looking at the teacher.

"Well, goodbye then" Haechan said, waved goodbye to his friend and hurriedly go the the teacher's direction to help him.

"Sir, let me carry those heavy once while you find your keys" Haechan said as he lend his hand to the teacher.

Taeil look at him for a second and finally giving him his 2 bags that he was holding to the student.

The teacher finally got his keys at the other bag, starting the car so he can go home. He opened the passengers door and gestured Haechan to put the bags on it and close it.

He was about to enter the driver's seat, but he turn his gaze to the student who is standing at the back.

"G-get inside now, I can take you home just tell me your address" Taeil said as he hopped inside the driver's seat and notice the boy, still standing there, looking at him intensely.

"H-hey, I said I will t-take you home, so h-hopped in n-now" Taeil repeated that made the student go back to his senses now.

Haechan turned around the car and seat at the passenger sear beside Taeil.

The teacher started the car and finally drove away the school.

"My location was xx-xxxx-xxxx" Haechan said and the teacher nodded.

It was the first time that Haechan saw how the teacher drives. It was so mesmerised at the sight. He intensely stare at the teacher who is driving. He can't take his own eyes away from this teacher. The view was so fucking beautiful to his eyes. He stayed like that for a few minutes without the teacher noticing it.

The student got back from his senses when the teacher speaks up.

"We're here" Taeil said that made the student jump from his seat.

"Thank you sir, see you tomorrow" Haechan said, winking at the teacher again, hopping outside of the car.

"Donghyuck we don't have classes tomorrow, its weekend" Taeil replied and then laugh at the student's reaction.

"Ah yeah right, goodbye sir, take care" He lastly said as he waved his goodbye the the teacher.

Taeil simply smiled at him as he finally drove away.

Haechan seen the teacher smiling for many times. He felt butterflies in his stomach then he smile at himself.


He directly head inside the dorm and meet a small boy, hands on its waist.

"You didn't wash the dishes in the morning" Renjun stated.

"Excuse you?! I need to go to school early?" Haechan replied as he collapse at the sofa.

"Oh to impress a teacher okay, now wash the dishes" Renjun said teasingly as he head towards the their shared bedroom.

Haechan sighs walk towards the kitchen sink to wash the fucking dishes that left yesterday night.

Its time to obey this time cause why not?


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