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The graduation ceremony got ended after more and long ass speech from the higher ranks.

Donghyuck's mom decided to have a dinner in her favorite restaurant, which is also Donghyuck's favorite.

Exiting to the car, Donghyuck clings his arms around Taeil's shoulder to pull him closer.

They enter the restaurant, following Donghyuck's parents.

Getting a table for four, they finally sit up, Taeil and Donghyuck sit together while the married couple was on their front.

"We will get our orders okay? Just wait us here" The woman said, dragging her husband with her, going towards the counter to give their orders

The two was remained seated, waiting for the other couple to come back.

"I'm so proud of you I swear" Taeil said, resting his head to the younger's shoulders, while Donghyuck chuckled then starts caressing the latter's hair.

The younger simply smiled.

"I'm so glad that you're proud of me, well, I'm proud at you too" He replied, booping the latter's nose, earning a small giggle from the older.

Ahh, why are you so freaking cute, he thought, wrapping his arms to around Taeil while feeling its warmth.

"Hey love birds, let's eat first before cuddling each other hmm?" It was Donghyuck's mother, holding a tray with foods, her husband was at her back, also holding a tray with foods. His parents arranged the foods on their table so they can finally start eating.

The two love birds nervously laugh as they sit straight on their seats, starting to eat.


They finished eating and now heading outside the restaurant.

Donghyuck decided to go to the park with Taeil since his parents were going back to their place.

The younger was still wearing his graduation coat and he didn't care at all. He was holding his mortarboard then Taeil grab them from the younger and wears it.

The two entered the park and sit on their usual place where there is a beautiful scene. They decided to wait for the sun to set.

"It's beautiful isn't it?" The younger ask, earning a nod from Taeil, who leaned his head to the younger. Donghyuck put his arms around the latter. They are sitting on the grassy field.

Watching the sunset, the couple hugged each other, Taeil's face was buried in the younger's chest while Donghyuck rested his on the latter's head.

Not saying anything to each other, just feeling each others warmth, the warmth that they loved.

As time past by, the sun was now hiding and the moon was now shining bright, brighter than any light source on the park.

Pulling out from the warm and tight hug, the couple watch the beautiful view again.

"The moon was so beautiful" The younger said, looking at Taeil, who didn't realize that there is a pair of eyes looking him. Donghyuck chuckled instead, looking back at the view.

Taeil was about to stand up but Donghyuck stopped him by grabbing his wrist. He got back from his seat, facing the younger with a confused look.

"Let's stay here a little more" Donghyuck said, cupping the older's cheek. Their foreheads meet, nose brushing to each other and closing both of their eyes.

The younger then push his lips to the other and as you should always do, Taeil kisses back immediately. He didn't care about the other peoples stare, he just can't wait to feel the older's lips at his.

They can feel the cold breeze that was touching their skins as they continue to kiss each other.

Many seconds had passed, the two pulled away from the kiss, catching their breaths then smiling at each other.

"Sir, may I say something?"


"I really really love you and let me be with you forever"


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