Chapter 04: The devil's twins

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21 years ago, December 8th 11pm

"It's a boy," the doctor said as he handed John Gallagher medical scissors, "would you like to cut the umbilical cord?"

"Of course," John Gallagher excitedly executed the doctor's directives.

The doctor handed the baby to another doctor who immediately checked the vitals, weight and height.

"Show me; show me my son," Marie Ann Gallagher said exhausted, "my first of two sons."

The nurse immediately wrapped the little baby in blankets and brought him to his mother's chest.

"You're so beautiful," she told her son, "look at him, our first boy."

"Yeah, he is, hello Johnathan James," John Gallagher looked down at the baby.

"Johnathan James, UGHH," Marie Ann groaned in pain and nurses immediately took James from her.

"We need to check on the second baby," the doctor stared at the ultrasound, "this little lady is going to make it hard."

"Lady?" Marie Ann asked in disgust and delirium.

"The other baby is a girl, and if we don't hurry she probably won't make it," the doctor gave orders, "prepping for a C-section, come on clear the room, take the first baby and the husband outside."

"Girl?" Marie Ann did not understand, no, they were supposed to be twin boys.

"Yes, Mrs. Gallagher you're having a girl, and if we don't hurry you could both be in fatal danger-"

"I wanted boys!" Marie Ann cried, "You said I'm having twin boys."

"Marie, sweetie, ultrasounds aren't always accurate, we're having another girl-" John tried to calm her down.

"I don't want another girl! I wanted twin boys!"

"We need to administer anesthesia, we're going to perform a C-section, Mr. Gallagher you need to wait outside, this is a surgery," the doctor watched John kiss his wife and reluctantly leave.

"Boys. I wanted boys. I wanted boys." Marie Ann kept repeating until she was under.

December 9th 3am

John Gallagher waited for news. After hours of waiting, finally the doctor came out.

"Are they okay?"

"Your wife is resting, and your daughter will be just fine, she had a rough beginning, but otherwise she's a healthy little girl," the doctor reassured him, "you can meet her tomorrow, it's best they both rested."

"And James? He's okay and healthy and everything?"

"Very healthy, I understand you have other children, I'm sure your wife would love to see them, maybe sleep a little and bring them in the afternoon," the doctor smiled and left.

December 9th, 4pm

"But daddy you said we'll have two brothers," Marie Therese whined in the elevator.

"Stop whining MT, we have a baby sister too, that's awesome," Marie Louise kicked her sister.

"Quit calling me that, it's Marie Therese!"

"Girls, that's enough," John said with no real authority.

"But MT's cool, it's a nickname! Daddy, tell her!"

"Girls, that's enough! Come on let's go see mommy," he took each of his 12 year old's hands and walked to his wife's room.

"Mr. Gallagher, a word please," the doctor caught them before they went in.

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