Chapter 14: HA! Shake it off, shake it off, screw you Taylor Swift!

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AN: I'm sorry it's been so long since the last update, but my life is a mess and I haven't been able to focus on writing much and when I was it was on another story, "Harper Isabel Todd" I just hope you guys can stick with me!!

Enjoy and tell me what you think as you go!! love love!!

Two nights after Roman's arrest, the batsignal

James Gordon has been a cop all his adult life, he believed in the law and only the law. A few years into the police department he saw how deep rooted the corruption was and swore to uphold the words of the law as fiercely as possible, but then Batman showed up.

Vigilantism is illegal.

Gordon tried for the better part of that first year to apprehend the Batman. The Batman then came to him and offered a partnership, then there was a child in a traffic light colored costume running around with the Batman, and soon after all the vigilantes now recognized as heroes had their own child sidekick.

Gordon had doubts, he had suspicions but he knew that no matter how much he wanted to follow the law, he needed someone like the Batman in his corner. Batman could get to places Gordon never can.

When heroes rose so did villains and super villains and Gotham was a swamp for them never letting them go but not letting them drown either.

"The DA is not cutting him a deal, they have enough evidence for the highest sentence," Gordon blew out the smoke from his cigarette, "it's only tax evasion, but it's a start."

"How did the DA get the evidence?" Batman asked annoyed and suspicious of everyone and everything.

"I have no idea, it was Harvey's case and he's not sharing-"

"I need to know. You're the commissioner you-"

"I am, and you're a man dressed in a bat costume jumping from rooftop to rooftop and punching your way through the night, I went over the evidence, it's legit, it's by the book, to the letter of the law, not one comma is missing," Gordon snapped at Batman and turned to face him.

"The Ghost-"

"Is an urban legend, much like you were," Gordon clicked his tongue, "this is a win, ghost or no ghost. Do not go after Bullock."

"The Ghost is dangerous, Jim," Batman sighed, he had to be careful not to reveal Jason's involvement with her.

"I've been a cop for a very long time, beat, detective, sergeant, captain, I'm commissioner now, I live and breathe investigations," Gordon crushed his cigarette, "I have no solid evidence of even the existence of the ghost, you call yourself a detective, how can you prove a case when you're not even sure the suspect exists?"

"I do know the ghost exists," Batman said carefully, "and I have reasons to believe they're taken Gotham as their home, we can't have someone with such access running-"

"What about your all-knowing Oracle? Every time one of my tech guys get this close," Gordon squeezed his thumb and index together to show how little, "to cracking one of Oracle's firewalls, Oracle shuts down the whole GCPD for a week, I think Oracle might be just as dangerous as the ghost, if not more, because I know Oracle exists."

Batman stood in silence, he couldn't tell him "Your daughter is oracle so she's a good guy!" he did have to have a talk with Barbara about shutting down the GCPD.

"If anything, I'm thanking the ghost, because Roman Sionis is out of the way, the Redhood has slowly become less murderous, and there's a-"

"They handed the city to Penguin-"

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