Chapter 15: Welcome to the world

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November 11th, the new safe-house 4 hours into labor

"I can't, I can't, I can't," Meg panted as she struggled to stay on her feet.

"You have to breathe," James told her as he stood behind her to make sure she didn't fall.

"It's too heavy, how did it get so heavy all of a sudden?" Meg asked through labored breaths.

"It didn't, it's just labor, you're feeling everything 10 times more than usual," James tried to help her stand when her knees started shaking.

"Kid, I know you can, but if she falls and you're holding her, I can't help her, you're the doctor," Slade motioned for James to give him his place.

"Fine, I need to check on Jason anyway," James shook his head and left his sister with his nightmare.

"Come on, breathe," Slade stood behind Meg who was leaning against the wall, legs spread and arms stretched on the concrete for support, "in and out, it's just a baby, it's on its way out, breathe-"

"Shut, the, fuck, up, Wilson," Meg snarled at him but didn't push his hands from under her arms.

"It's okay, curse away, baby's not here yet, they can't hear you," Slade grinned when she tried to elbow him.

"It's too heavy," Meg almost cried, "I'm serious, how did it get so heavy?"

"9 months of nurturing and all that crap," Slade offered, "wait I read something the other day, can I try it?"

"What is it??" Meg asked desperately.

"Your partner is supposed to do it, but I'm all you got now," Slade slid his hands from under her arms to under her bump, "I can carry the weight for you for a bit, but we need to be careful."

"Okay, do that," Meg took a deep breath and felt Slade's hands locking together under the bump then he slowly lifted her swollen belly up, she let a breath of relief, "oh my god."

"Okay, easy, breathe," Slade felt her leaning her back onto his chest, "don't move, let me do the moving and lifting, breathe and tell me when you're ready to take it back."

"I just want it out at this point, why have I not known about this!"

"You would've had dead-robin lifting it instead of patrolling," Slade laughed.

"You're probably right, but what about you? How come you just told me about this?"

"I didn't want to get involved, I still don't, and I had to clean up your mess, Caracas, Moscow, rings any bells?"

"Yeah okay, whatever," Meg rolled her eyes.

"You need to be careful when you're letting it go," James said in a frustrated tone, "there's a reason I didn't tell you about this, it's because not everyone knows how to do it."

"I think I'm doing pretty well there," Slade snorted a laugh, then got ready to let go, "okay, ready? Breathe, slowly, don't be scared, I'm right here."

"Here's a sentence I never thought I'd hear again," Meg snorted a laugh and slowly took back the weight of her baby, "that was so useful."

"Come on, lay down a bit," Slade guided her to the bed where she lay down.

James nodded and left her with Slade again.

"Why are you helping me?" Meg asked Slade.

"You helped me with my kids," Slade sat next to her on the bed, "I think it's only fair I help you with yours."

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