Chapter 6: No more dead Robins

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Deirdre's clinic the bowery one day after Joker attack, 28 weeks pregnant

Meg slept for 6 hours then spent half an hour wearing a prosthetic face and made Jason drive her to Deirdre's clinic.

"When was the last time you saw her?" Meg asked Deirdre.

"At least 10 ago, I can't be a 100% sure," the older woman said, "I'm trying to remember everything but I've had to deal with Maroni's girls a lot lately."

"I'll deal with Maroni," Jason offered.

"Hmm," Deirdre was still skeptical about Jason's involvement in Meg's life, but if Meg trusted him then so did Deirdre, but she switched to hers and Meg's native Irish language for the rest of the conversation, "remember when you crashed the ultrasound of Muon Hikage's (Japanese for Silent Shade) little sister?"

"Poor innocent and virtuous Okabe, yes I remember, that was after the pride and prejudice incident," Meg remembered being freaked out about her hormones because she and Jason kissed.

"By all means, speak the language I never learned," Jason took the hint and went to wait outside.

"I checked your hormones and you told me Redhood was backing off a bit to relax Sionis," Deirdre continued in Irish, "I saw Stephanie a few days later she brought me one of Maroni's girls, she was going on and on about Batman being a big baby bitch, whatever that means."

"She's not entirely wrong," Meg laughed, "had anything happened between them?"

"She said he fired her from Robin a while back and he's trying to stop her to go out as Spoiler but that she doesn't answer to him and that she was going to show him," Deirdre helped Meg on the examination bed, "him and Red Robin, she was going to show them how good she is."

"Okay, you know how this goes, anything else? Do you have any suspicions or theory? Have you talked to Leslie Tompkins?"

"Leslie is too busy with victims of the gang war that started last week when you and Redhoodie were taking a break," Deirdre glared at Jason as she turned on the ultrasound machine.

"It's nothing serious, it's just a cock measuring contest between the existing families, I say we let them eat each other for a minute and we strike the big fish," Meg dismissed, truth be told she hadn't read enough about the incidents that started last week she's been tired and rightfully so, "besides I literally stopped Joker from blowing up the whole city just yesterday, so maybe cut me some slack?"

"It is serious, I'm starting to think there is a problem with your hormones or pregnancy is making you stupid," Deirdre switched back to English.

"Ouch! I'm not stupid-"

"You are if you're taking breaks instead of staying on top of Sionis like you're supposed to be," Deirdre moved the ultrasound probe over Meg's bump, "baby's fine, but you missed two appointments."

"Fine! Is there anything else you can remember about Stephanie?" Meg asked, "or the gang war I was supposed to be on top of, but everybody seems to forget I'm 7 months pregnant."

"Your job is information, selling and stealing information, pregnancy is seriously making you lose your edge-"

"And whose fault is that?" Meg finally snapped at Deirdre.

"Watch what you say next," Deirdre warned her.

"What are you going to do? Reveal another procedure you may or may not have done to me? Am I missing a kidney or do I have a 3rd one just in case-"

"You know why I did it, and don't pretend that you're angry that-"


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