Chapter 8: When does Batman end and Bruce Wayne begins?

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The basement

Jason stared at Meg for a second, for anyone who meets the woman sprawled on the bed in front of him, they'd think "aw a mum to be," but Jason, he knew better. Mums to be don't usually declare their desire to kill and dismember people, but this was Talia Al Ghul, so Jason had to ask.

"What has she done to you?"

"Enough," Meg took a deep breath, "she has a son you know?"

"Oh yeah?" Jason was so curious, how does Meg know.

"Uh-huh little heir to the demon's head," Meg mocked, "he was cute, for a killing machine."

"How do you know him?" Jason was laughing internally, he hated that she didn't want to know who Batman was. This could've been a very funny conversation if she knew.

"Babysat him, another test, killed 3 of their people to protect the little demon spawn in his own room," she laughed at the name she thought she came up with.

"When was that?" Jason realized she must have been really young; Damian has been in Gotham for a while now.

"A long time ago," she sighed, "and then the little shit had to jump out the window for some fucking reason."

"What did you do?"

"An assassin toddler you're tasked with protecting, Ra's Al Ghul's grandson no less, jumps out of a window what do you do? You jump after him!"

"Did he die?" Jason asked innocently.

"No, he's really small he got caught in a tree, I pulled him out but the window locked and I had to fight my way back to their creepy castle with a toddler strapped on me, he was like 3 and he knew more insults than I know now," Meg shook her head, "some of their men thought I was abducting him, I was lucky there were cameras around, you know who interrupted my execution? After they nursed me back to health of course."

"They were going to execute you?"

"Well yeah I put Hafid Al Ghul in danger," she mocked, "that's Arabic for grandson."

"You speak Arabic?"

"I speak everything."

"Who interrupted it?"

"Slade Wilson, Deathstroke himself, said he had urgent concerns, it gave me enough time to pull out the feed of the kid jumping out and showed it to them, they then watched as I protected him while trying to find my way back inside," she lifted her shirt and pointed to the left side of her back, "I should have a wolf bite here, they have fucking wolves roaming around, the kid wet himself."

"The heir to the demon's head wet himself?" Jason really wanted to use this against Damian and Bruce, 'she saved your son too.'

"Of course he did, he was 3," Meg laughed looking at her screen, "where are you?"

"That's why you want her dead?" Jason cocked an eyebrow.

"No, I was handpicked for a few jobs for them later, but I don't want to talk about it."

"Does she know what you look like?" Jason asked carefully.

"She could recognize my fighting style, maybe, but from my old life, D is the only living person who's seen my face," Meg said almost like she's trying to convince herself.

Flashback 3 years ago, in the middle of the Bialya desert

"Admit it and I'll make it quick!"

"Admit what?" Slade panted as he lay defeated and bleeding in the sand.

Why she attacked him is beyond him, how she won? Is a completely different type of mind fuck!

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