Chapter 22: This is Betty Moore

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AN: sorry for not updating in so long, this past year was really bad for me, went through a dark few months, it wasn't good, depression and all, anyway! I hope you guys are still reading! put some comments, hit a vote, tell me what you think! Love!

Meg's apartment, February after T-j turned 2

"Good job baby, good job," Meg smiled and signed as she spoke.

"AAAby," T-j grinned, signed the word and pointed to himself.

"Yes, that's you, you're the baby," John told his grandson, his sign language was still jerky and awkward but he never stopped practicing it, "you're our smart little baby."

"I forgot how fun this used to me," Meg reset the chess table and immediately regretted her words. She always tried to keep the few years she spent with her parents as a child in the deepest darkest places of her mind.

"I know right?" John smiled at his daughter then gently teased her, "I have to say, he's picking it up much faster than you did! I mean you were the fastest out of your siblings, Johnathan wasn't interested but he was good, Marie Louise hasn't beat me to this day, except when I let her, and heck, Marie Therese still can't play-"

"Can we not?" Meg cut off what she knew was going to lead to the same song of your sister wants to see you.

"I'm sorry," John held his hands up and shook his head, "I just wish you'd see her, Marie Louise I mean."

"I can't," Meg shook her head, "you can never understand I just can't."

"I suppose you're right, it still breaks my heart though," he watched his grandson pick up the knight piece.

"Ho'seeee!" T-j squealed happily.

That boy had no idea how high his voice was. It was adorable to watch him name each and every animal he ever saw, and he had a full zoo of stuffed animals in his bedroom, his most prized possession being a stuffed chipmunk that John had gotten him when he heard Jason calling his grandson 'Chipmunk'.

"Yeah, that's a horse, it's also a knight," John signed everything except for knight, "how do you sign knight again?"

"Like this," Meg pointed at the chess piece which got T-j's attention, and signed knight.

"BAMAAAAAA!" T-j squealed and stuck his indexes through his curls on each side of his head to make bat-ears, another move he learned from Jason.

"Yeah, Batman is a knight," Meg snorted a laugh.

"You know they're saying he really did die this time," John told Meg, he picked up his phone, "you know after that last thing with jo-" he glanced at T-j who was preoccupied by the new chess game he started with his mum, "I mean you know who."

"I don't know dad, I really hope it's the other way around," Meg shook her head, they couldn't say the clown's name in front of T-j without the little boy having a meltdown. It was surprisingly and unsurprisingly one of the few words he heard and recognized without it being signed it him, that man was everyone's nightmare.

"How's that bloke of yours, Jason? How's he doing? Haven't seen him in a while? Did he end up talking to his dad?"

"Just because we're Irish doesn't mean you have to say bloke, we are in America," she snorted a laugh, "and he's fine but how should I know if he talked to his dad, wait how do you know he should be talking to his dad?"

"He asked for my advice last time I saw him is all," he shrugged his shoulders, "said something about mending fences and whatnot. Seems like a good kid who's gone through a lot."

"That's because he has," she muttered under her breath.

"Papa?" T-j turned to his grandpa and tapped his hand on the older man's knee, "up."

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