Chapter 9

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Riley's Pov

After the show i grabbed cameron and pulled him into a closet the stood there with my my arms crossed. "well" i said waiting and he just looked at me confused "well" he said back leaning agaist the wall behind him.

"are you and Ivy dating?" i asked itching to know, i saw a smile light up his face as he blushed

"no not exactly" he said and all my happiness floated away "what do you mean not exactly" i said leaning against the door.

"well every time i get near her she would scoot away, i really like her riley but i don't know what to do" he said running his hands through his hair. I nodded and thought for a minute before i smiled came upon my face with the perfect plan.

"i can help with that" i said and before he could ask any more questions i ran down the hall and grabbed Ivy. I ran back into the closet and tossed her in before locking the door. i heard Ivy pounding on the door telling me to let them out but of course i didn't listen. Instead i skipped back into taylor and i's room and laid down.

"what did you do" taylor asked plopping on the bed with me "oh nothing just helping a match made in heaven get together" i stated looking up at the ceiling with a smile on my face.

"oh gosh who is it" taylor said looking at the ceiling too

"cameron and Ivy" i answered making taylor look at me shocked, i looked back and gave him a questioningly look.

"cameron as in Thee Cameron Dallas* he said clariflng and i nodded causing his mouth to fall open. "why" i asked him.

"cause cameron never has trouble getting gurls usually they fall for him in a second because of how nice he is or how much he cares" taylor said explaining and i nodded.

"why do the girls fall for you?" i asked curious

"they don't" he said chuckling afterwards "i find that hard to belive, i mean your funny, crazy, loud, caring, nice, and don't even get me started about how cute you are" i said but immediatley regretted it when i figured out that i said he was cute.

i wonder if he noticed

"cute huh?" taylor said answering my question "oh be quiet taylor i didn't mean it" i said smacking his arm playfully while blushing.

"awe is little Rye Rye blushing" taylor said poking my sides, i sat up and covered my face. "whatever i'ma go let the kids out" i said and ran out the room.

I opened the door and saw cameron and Ivy kissing but soon they pulled away shocked to see me "oh sorry was i interrupting something" i said lifting my eye brows up and down. they blushed and i nodded my head before closing and locking the door again.

"have fun sleeping in there tonight, love ya" i said through the door and they yelled out hey before trying to open the door. I walked back into our room and saw taylor on the bed with a smirk.

here we go again

Arranged Marriage!! ~Taylor Caniff~Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz