Chapter 6

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Riley's Pov

 Me and Matt let go and started to walk towards are plane leaving the boys behind us

"i didn't know you were coming" he said looking down at me  since he was a few inches taller than me just like Taylor was.

"yea i didn't know either but my Mom loves to give me surprises" i said to him making him smile and chuckle a little bit "well i'm glad you came" he said hugging me from the side as we handed the lady our tickets.

"me too" i said finding and sitting down in my seat which was two rows in front of his which made both of us sad cause we were really hoping to sit next to each other. I sat back into my as boys started to enter the plane pushing each other around making vines, snap chats stuff like that. I sighed feeling like i was missing something but i just didn't know what until it clicked...IVY!

I quickly grabbed my phone and called her

"pick up pick pick up" i said listening to the rings "fudge!" i said as i dialed her number again and again but she didn't answer any

"Riley!" a female voice said but i didn't listen since i was to busy dialing calling and then dialing again

"what!" i said looking at Ivy right in front of me then started dialing her number again and this time Ivy finally answered

"Ivy i called you like a bazillion times" i said

"i know i know i'm sorry but what did you need" she said

"I wanted tell you that i'm leaving for 3 months" i said feeling relief fill me knowing that she knows

"awe that sucks" she said

"i know i wish you were here" i said slumping down into my chair hearing the guys laugh at me "shh i'm on the phone" i said to them "rude" i whispered to myself

"turn around" she said and i did

"all i see is Matt" i said to her through the phone

"the other way" she said laughing a little and i did seeing her sitting next to me "IVY!' i yelled and hugged her tightly "RILEY" she mimicked and i laughed "when did you get here" i said to her "um 5 minutes ago" she said

"are you sure cause i didn't see you" i said to her as she sat in her seat next to Cameron "yea i'm sure" she said "so how long are you staying i said "3 months" she said and i yelled "yay!"

-1 hour later-

We have like another hour left until we land and my but is hurting so much i think its going to fall off like seriously i'm not kidding i might be butless when i get off this plane. I moved uncomfortably in my seat trying to fine a spot that won't hurt my but as much until i got a text from Taylor and Ivy at the same time. I did enie meanie miny Moe and landed on Taylor's so i pressed it and read

T: i'm tired can you cuddle with me ?

R: and how are we supposed to do that?

"like this" he said and lifted up the arm rest and pulling me into him, i giggled and snuggled into his chest feeling warmth radiate off of him. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the moment before checking Ivy's text

I: i think i have a crush on Cameron

R: awe my little girl is growing up so fast

I: lol says the girl who is getting married at 16

R: hey this was not my choice lol

I: but it looks like you like the decision you're mom made

R: what makes you think that

I: you and Taylor are cuddling!

R: yea yea we've been closer

I: what?!

R: what?

I: what do you mean you've been closer!

R: nothing

I: tell me!

R: and...Taylor may have...kissed this morning in bed

I: omg! you guys kissed!

R: yea its not a big deal


R: yea well

I: did you enjoy it

R: yea i did it felt like how they explain it in the movies with the fireworks and the bombs

I: omg! congrats

R: haha well i know you'll be getting yours very soon ;)

I: what do you mean?

R: Cameron

I: pshh like he'll ever like me

R: i bet he does

I: whatever floats you're boat

R: whatever i'm going to sleep, i'm tired

I: same bia

R: bia

i texted back went to sleep in Taylor's arms 

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