Chapter 17

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Riley's Pov

    I sat on the dock staring at the water below me, I was roaming in the woods without a care in the world when i found a little lake. At first i thought it was weird that there was a lake in the middle of the woods but i shrugged it off and sat down watching the firefly's buts flash yellow every now an then. Kicking the water with my foot I sighed maybe this wasn't going to turn out great i mean me and Taylor are totally different people but somehow we fit together. I don't know why but i feel like shit for doing that to Taylor even though it wasn't exactly my fault.

But I'm just thinking that if i was in his position i probably would of done the same thing just a little less bitchy.

My phone was constantly going off but i didn't dare read them

I looked up at the sky seeing the twinkling stars were out thinking that what if my mom didn't let arranged marriage happen and just let me date my fridge. What would of happen?

I was too into my thoughts to pay attention to anything else so when someone screamed my name from behind me i screamed jumped away which lead me into the freezing water.

"Oh shit" I heard them say as my head went under the water but wasn't down there for long i felt strong arms wrap around me and pull me up. I looked at the person seeing it was Taylor and quickly pushing him under the water and watched him surface.

"That's what you get for being a douche" I said and he smiled chuckling before grabbing my waist and pushing me toward him "And this is what you get for scaring the shit out of me and running away" He said i looked at him confused but then he smashed his lips onto mine. This was like the 1st time we actually kissed for real the other one on his bed was an accident.

I smiled into the kiss as i pushed him away blushing hard

I splashed him with both hands taking in his shocked amused expression "That's what you get for getting my hair wet" I said and he gave me a devious grin before splashing me over and over again.

"Truce. truce" I screamed putting my hands up to shield my face, he laughed and brought me close him.

"I love you Riley" he spoke looking into my eyes

"I love you too Taylor" I spoke kissing him one last time before dunking him and swimming away

"You're gonna pay for that" He said coming after me i laughed and began to swim faster that night was a blast but the water freezing.

Sorry i know its short I'll try to do better next Chap.

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