Chapter 21

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Dear, random piece of paper I found crumbled up in the corner of my bed.

It has been a full 24 hours since my grounding and to be honest I don't know if I can handle much more, not to mention I have 4 more days left in this boring room. And don't me get me started about little Timmy up there on the ceiling corner. Since you do not know who little Timmy is, well, he's the nice ass spider who decided to come in my room the other night and scare the living webs out of me. Get it webs. Spiders. Spiders shoot webs. Um anyways I named him little Timmy because he's small and his head is kind of like a "T'' shape. Taylor still didn't come back yet so I'm guessing his little date with Sam went well ;)...not like that. This is ver-


Sorry Timmy just moved and to be real I'm really f'ing scared like why do spiders jump?

6:00 pm

I soon ran out of space on my crumbled paper and resulted back over to my phone where I scrolled through instagram before just staring up at Timmy.

"So Timmy, do you like squirrels?" I asked and in reply i got dead silence

"mhm interesting, have you ever thought of a hybrid between a squirrel and spider?'' I wondered off

"It could be "The Squirrel-Spider, crawls up your legs and eats your nuts" I laughed at my small joke and sighed.

"You know Timmy, you're not so bad, you like my jokes" I said

7:00 pm

Still on the bed. Still bored as everything. Everything is the same. Well until I heard the door knob twist. I looked towards it and saw Taylor at the door like he was in a rush.

'Hey, where are you going?" I asked confused as he quickly put on some flip flops and fixed his hair before getting dressed in the bathroom. "Me and the others are going to the beach" He explained and my mouth dropped, so their doing this without me, wow some friends I have. I groaned and Taylor kissed me before smiling and laughing at my behavior

"Don't worry, we'll be back before you know it but until then just stay here time will past by quickly, I promise'' He said and I rolled my eyes

"I love you" He screamed running out the door and once again i rolled my eyes

"time will past by quickly, i promise. Ugh lies, lies , lies ,lies" I murmured before coming up with a good ass idea. I grabbed some keys and bolted off towards the beach, I'm going to have my own fun.

Howdy, sucky chapter but uh i tried and this is only part 1 so ... who wants to hear a joke that involves Timmy? If you do let me know and I'll leave it at the bottom of Part 2

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