Chapter 19

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Riley's Pov
We got in the car a started following them. 10 mintues later were still on the road making a right turn.

"You have got to be kidding, its been like 30 mintues why are they taking so long?" I exaggerated sitting back into the seat, Sam wasn't paying attention so me being bored I started to search around the car. I lifted a few things and discored a pair of binoculars in the back seat. I grinned turning back around to face the front before adjusting them a bit and putting them up to my face.

It was dark out but i didn't pay much attention to it, instead I zoomed in on the couple in the front seat, they were laughing about something until Cameron sneakily started to inch his hand over to her. My mouth was a gap as i repeatedly smacked Sam's arm getting to excited.

"What-what do you see?" Sam said intrigued

"Cameron. He's..he's touching her leg" I replied inching forward in my seat seeing that he slowly crept his up to her thigh. I teared away the binoculars and turned toward Sammy.

"Hurry! Drive next to them" I urged pointing to the open spot next to the driving car Cameron was operating.

"What are you crazy their going to see us!?" Sam said and snapped my fingees to the spot "Sam this is a matter of life or death now get your freaking car in that spot" I say seeing he gave up

"Please remeber this is just a date not a top secret mission" Sam said pulling up next to them so that we had at least a few inches between our cars. I lowered the window and put my face out in the gentle night breeze. Examining everything from top to bottom.

I coyld easily be seen if Cameron's face turned but it never did. He had his window down also and we were so close i could basically lean and slap him in the face if i wanted to.

"So what are we going to see?" Ivy questioned biting her lip nervously. Cameron smiled softly "whatever you want"

My head melted into my hands as saw the scene play out "Awe" I sighed out really louldy and it wasn't until the last second i had noticed what i had done.

"Shizlet" i cursed putting on sunglasses and wrapped a scarf around my head that made it looked like a was an elderly before slapping a hat on Sam as he laughed at my stupid mistake.

"You look like my grandma" he chuckled "And you look like grandpa" i said back laughing. I looked over to see the two looking over confused.

"Oh sorry to cause any trouble, just that me abd ky husband thought it was nice to finally see a couple that weren't all over eachother" I started

"Isn't that right honey?" I said looking at sam who looked like he was going to die of laughter at my grandma voice. He cleared his throat.

"Oh yes yes, its very rare to see that now a days" sam spoke deeply.

"Oh well uh thanks" Cameron smuled and so did Ivy before the light turned green and they rode off and we followeed behind.

Seconds later were in a movie theater sneaking in to the movie section when the guard left to grab something and lurked around the corners paying attention to what movies we were passing.

The Perfect Guy

Inside Out


As we passed them we saw them suddenly stop and turn around.

"I knew it, you were following weren't you " Ivy said and i gasp "what no of course not"

I said and she gave me a look making me sigh. "Fine we weren't going to tell anyone but me and Sam are dating" i blurted out regretting it immediately. Ivy and Cam looked at us shocked probably thinking about taylor...wait shit i forgot about taylor.

"Excuse me, your dating who now?" I turned seeing Taylor with a bag of popcorn in his hand abd soda in the other.

"I, uh" i spoke speechless seeing Sam smiling. "Hey Taylor" i spoke and now it just fell silent. Between the couple shocked faces, Sam's cocky smirk, Taylor with his food and me standing in the middle of all of this.

Confess? Or Lie? .

Confess? Or Lie?

Arranged Marriage!! ~Taylor Caniff~Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ