Chapter 4

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Riley's Pov

"tay-" i started but was interrupted by him yelling "WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING" he yelled

"what are you talking about" i said super confused

"YOU KNOW EXACTLY WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT RILEY"  he yelled again, i thought for a moment and it clicked

"is this because i kissed matthew on the cheek" i said walking closer to him. He stayed quiet

"it is isn't it....are you jealous that i kissed matthew and not you" i said smiling and poking him in his side, he giggled and told me to stop. He pushed me down on the bed and got on top of me, he pushed my shirt up a little and started to tickle me

"t-t-ay-loor s-stop" i giggled

"hmmm" he said stopping and pretending to think while i was stuck under him trying to catch my breathe.

"nope" he said and tickled me again

"plz s-stop" i said trying to get away

"fine" he said and got off of me laying down next to me and we went to sleep.

(the next day)

I woke up and walked over to our closet picking out some clothes for today. so are me and taylor friends now or do we still hate each other i'm confused as whats happening right now i thought while searching for clothes. I heard a door open so i turned around seeing taylor with a towel wrapped around his waist and his hair dripping wet. he looks so hot...wait what bad riley don't think that you hate him..know wait i thought we became friends yesterday ugh so confused right i thought still staring at him with my mouth dropped and if you were here right now i bet you will be doing the same. Ok so imagine you waking up to taylor dripping wet holding onto his towel which is down enough to see his magnificent v-line. Then his hair soaking wet dripping now and then on the floor and his eyes staring right at you then imagine how i feel right now.

"pineapple" i said, its what i do when i'm in a awkward situation. I walked out of the room so he can do what he does. (5 minutes later) i heard the door open and i looked towards the door was my mom "hi mommy" i waved.

"hey sweety where's taylor" she asked waving back

"he's upstairs i think" i said back and she nodded walking up the stairs to get him i guess. She came back down with taylor trailing behind her and sitting down next to me on the couch

"ok i have good news for you's" she said oh great if this one is as great as the one that led me to arranged marriage i'm sure this would be super great" i thought to myself sarcastically

"taylor is going to magcon for 3 months" she said and tay smiled and i jumped off the couch excited "yasss the house for three months come on taylor we got to go get packed don't want you missing your plane now do we no we don't" i said grabbing his hand trying to pull him off the couch but he didn't budge

"not exactly your going with him so get packed and ready for tommorow" she said and walked out the door. I let go of taylor's hand plopped down on the couch

"why why why" i said to myself not expecting a answer from taylor.

"well riley come on we got to get you packed don't want us missing our flight now do we no we don't" he said copying me and laughing

"you suck" i said sticking my tougne out at him getting up and walking into the kitchen making a sand which then going up stairs to get ready for the next day

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