Chapter 26.

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Stuffing my hands in my jean pockets, I made my way over to Ivy and Cam's room where I eventually slowly opened the door. Once i had it at least a inch open I stuck my ear in the crack to listen for anything that would scream "THIS IS NO TIME FOR VISITORS" ....If you know what I mean. But fortunate enough for me there were no alarming sounds coming from the hotel room and with a smile on my face, I decided to make myself known.

"Hey Iv-" I barely got out before hearing a frustrated yell come from her.

"You ass! you broke my toilet!" She said slapping her hand over her eyes. My eyes grew huge and my mouth hung a gape. What the hell is going on here.

"Hey buddy, what's wrong" I say cautiously as i approached the now cross armed, very upset teenaged girl. I sat down beside her and I got a clear view of she was looking at...she was olaying the sims.

"My son got angry. He needed to use the bathroom. I told him to take a angry poop so all the rage inside him would just you know, come out. And he broke my toilet" she said trailing off.

"That was favorite toilet in the whole house, Ri, my freaking favorite" she finished off.

What's so special about a pixilated toilet?

"And now he's sunshine and rainbows, like no bitch you're going to freaking fix my toilet because ain't no body got that type of money right now"

I stiffled a laugh..angry poop.. that's amazing.

I shook my head to get rid of thoughts before I took them even further and closed Ivy's lap top. I left her for way too long apparently, she's already gone mad. "Yea alright, that's it, let's  go" I annouced, grabbing her upper arm and dragging her out the door.

"What-where are we going?" She asked now following me on her own.

"To rekindle our beautiful friendship and mourn the loss of your toilet" I answered confidently as we made our way out of the building. She nodded clearly agreeing with my reasoning before we both started to walk. We didn't really have a destination, we just followed the sidewalk and let destiny decide.

We stayed walking like that for a couple mintues, just appreciating our surroundings and thinking of how far we've come compared to where we used to live.

"And to think" Ivy began "We only got here because of your marriage" she laughed.

I gave out a small smile and soft "yea" as i looked up at the sky. "Its weird how a lot of things happened only because of that marriage" i spoke up after a few mintues. Ivy turned her head to look at me, furrowing her eyebrows together as if in a silent question.

Sighing i responded "I don't know I mean it's just odd. We've always talked about traveling the world together and making it here or there on our own. To show everyone that yea we did this, we're here because we worked damn hard for it. And well being here and now just having a moment to think over everything cause let's face it everything has happened so fast, I feel like were cheating. Like we used a cheat code to get to the next level in our life that we didn't deserve to get to quite yet. At least not without putting the work in, hell we take online classes now and it's all because I had an unknowingly arranged marriage to Taylor"

I took a breath as we made our way to bench that overlooked the beachfront. 
"Taylor" I said as we sat down "This is all Taylor's" i started "All Taylor's triumph and success, he got here for putting work into his videos, for helping people through his comedy and just being himself. What are we here for?" I asked "To be Taylor and Cameron's girlfriends' alone? No it just doesn't seem right" I finished lating my head on her shoulder. Letting out a slightly frustrated beatge i closed my eyes, trying to focus on the quiet breeze blowing by.

I heard Ivy sigh and felt her shoulder's sag. I looked up at her as i could giving out a soft questioning 'hum'.

"I didn't realize until now, hearing you say it, it kind of put things into perspective...we really are just the girlfriends" she spoke before groaning "What are we going to do?" She said roughly  as she layed her head on top of mine. I didn't answer for a few mintues in reason of not knowing how to.

"I don't know Ivy, but i do know that nothing is going to change if we don't do something about it soon" I responded and that was it we just sat there looking out at the sea from the bench we were seated at as we pondered.

..."we are in deeper shit than my son"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2017 ⏰

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