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After a short trip to China to make a vase, the trio are ready to land the TARDIS to find Rory. 'Yowzah' comes up on the scanner and Willow grins.

"Found the landing lights!" she shouts to The Doctor "We have a signal. I'm locking on!" The TARDIS shakes and rattles, as Amy and Willow scream slightly. Eventually, the TARDIS lands with a large thud.

Amy rushes out and The Doctor helps Willow steady herself as she throws up in a large bowl. Slowly, they make their way out of the TARDIS and Amy shouts for Rory, running up the stairs.

"Sorry we're late M," Willow greets, turning to River who's wrist is being held by a weeping angel "Traffic was hell,"

The Doctor leans down by the crime lord "Shock. He'll be fine,"

"Not if I can get loose," River threatens

"So where are we now, Doctor Song? How's prison?" The Doctor asks as he and Willow come up either side of River.

"Oh, I was pardoned ages ago. And it's Professor Song to you,"

"Pardoned?" The Doctor questions

"Mm. Turns out the person I killed never existed in the first place. Apparently, there's no record of him. It's almost as if someone's gone around deleting himself from every database in the universe,"

"You said I got too big."

"And now no one's ever heard of you. Didn't you used to be somebody?"

"Weren't you the woman who killed the Doctor?"

"Doctor who?" she asks innocently and Willow smiles "Becides, we know who really did that,"

"Guilty," Willow sings cheerfully and River looks at her

"You look different,"

"Hm, maybe," Willow smiles and River looks at her stomach, touching it with her free hand "Could be the two babies growing inside me,"


"Thank you,"

The Doctor scans the angels grip on River "She's holding you very tight,"

"At least she didn't send me back in time,"

"Small wins," Willow mutters

" I doubt she's strong enough,"

"Well, I need a hand back, so which is it going to be? Are you going to break my wrist or hers?" The Doctor gives River a dark look "Oh, no. Really? Why do you have to break mine?"

"Because Amy read it in a book, and now I have no choice," he looks over to where Amy is standing guiltily in the doorway "You see?"

"What book?"

"Your book. Which you haven't written yet, so we can't read," The Doctor shows it to her.

"I see. I don't like the cover much,"

"The Doctor does," Willow laughs quietly and her sister turns to her



"But if River's going to write that book, she'd make it useful, yeah?"

"I'll certainly try," River defends "But we can't read ahead, it's too dangerous,"

"I know, but there must be something we can look at,"

"What, a page of handy hints, previews, spoiler free?"

Amy thinks for a moment "Chapter titles,"

Willow grabs the book from The Doctor and skim reads the chapter titles.

MEMORIES OF A BROKEN GIRL | {3rd - Stars Themselves Series}Where stories live. Discover now