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"i love you" is the last thing she remembers him saying to her

-present day-
"Angelina, wakeup! it's time for school!" her mom said as she banged on Angelina's door to wake her up. Angelina quickly got up because she remembered the day before

"Angelina you're going to be late!" her mother said as Angelina went into the kitchen "if you eat that you're going to gain a couple pounds" her mother looked her up and down and scoffed "that's what you're wearing to school? i could've sworn i've raised you better than to wear that" Angelina rolled her eyes "mom, chill i'm only 16, what i wear to school doesn't matter. legit no one cares. hop off my dick" she said as she ran to the bus

she shuttered at the memory remembering what her dad did to her when she got home. she quickly opened her door and said "i'm up mom don't worry," and shut her door again, she locked her door. she went under her bed, and grabbed the vodka bottle and opened it, and drank half of it "that should keep me good for the school day." she grabbed her phone, and checked all of her messages. one caught her attention, and normally texts don't catch her attention.


hey girl hey. some new kid is in town, he looks pretty cute you might have some interest in him, i'm not sure what his name is, i'll find out for you. i hope you're doing alright you haven't answered my texts in a couple of days. love you<3

Angelina rolled her eyes, and then realized she only went to school so her mom thought she was there, but she didn't go to any of her classes "shit." she muttered under her breath and then quickly forgot about a minute later. she threw her phone back onto her bed, and went into her bathroom to brush her teeth, and do her makeup. just some mascara, and eyeliner, and she was good to go. she changed into a dark red long sleeved shirt, and high skinny jeans, and tucked the dark red shirt into her jeans. she put on her black boots, and her outfit was good to go.

she put the vodka bottle under her bed again and grabbed her phone, and went downstairs to grab something for breakfast. her mom looked at her, and did a double take "that's much better than those sweatpants you were wearing yesterday." Angelina rolled her eyes and grabbed a banana "thanks mom." she went outside to avoid anymore conversation with her mom, and grabbed a cigarette from her pack, and lit it. she took inhaled, and felt relieved.

"that's not good for you, you know that." said the annoying kid next door, Jake. Angelina laughed "you know you shouldn't worry about someone who barely even wants to be alive, you know that, right?" Jake scoffed "fuck you, Angelina. i'll take you back to the hospital i really don't care." Angelina laughed again "and i'll simply trick them into letting me leave again. i don't really care about getting help, it's the only thing that keeps me, well me." her mom started screaming, Jake noticed Angelinas frustration "here i'll take you to school just pull the window down if you're going to smoke." Angelina smiled "thank you." Jake smiled secretly "there's that beautiful smile of yours"

Angelina threw the butt of her cigarette out of the car "so there's apparently a new kid?" she asked. Jake looked confused for a second and then remembered "oh yeah, there is, but he's not really your type. he's a bitch type of a guy." Angelina laughed "yeah probably not worse than you know who." that's where the conversation stopped.

Angelina got out the car "Thanks for the ride, i'll give you money later." Jake laughed "you don't have to pay me dumbass, we went to the same place, i'll give you a ride home just answer your phone or come to my car after school or the 'spot'" she laughed "i forgot about the spot man that was good ass times. everything was good before everything happened." Jake laughed again "yeah, but go to class this time i covered for you yesterday, and said you were going to be there today." Angelina scoffed "fuck you Jake, but fine..." someone caught her eyes no this can't be true, he's not here. all the memories started pouring back.

The Dawn of The Cursedحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن