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Angelina woke up, and started gasping. Her hand went to her heart, and she felt around, but she didn't feel any stake marks. She looked around, and realized she was back in the cottage house. She shook her head, and screamed "No!" Without realizing it. Malikai ran into her room "My dear are you okay?" She backed up until she was against the wall "How am I here?" Malikai sat down on her bed, and his eyes turned purple "What's wrong, my dear?" Angelina shook her head "I shouldn't be here." Malikai's eyes teared up "Now why are you saying that? Do I need to take your magic away from you so you cannot kill yourself)" Angelina shook her head, and glared at him "What?" Malikai put his hand on her leg "I'm going to make you soup Angelina." Angelina just nodded, and mumbled "Okay," She looked around how the hell am I back here? I fucking died.

Malikai brought soup into her room "It just came off the stove just how you like it." Angelina shook her head "Don't you remember me snapping your neck?" Malikai shook his head "Now dear we don't have to talk about our mistakes. That's all it was, a mistake." Angelina rolled her eyes "It wasn't a mistake for me, I want you dead. I want you gone, I want the hell out of here." Malikai shook his head in shape, and formed a fist in his hand "Nimis longum somnum," Angelina fell back, and her eyes closed. Malikai put her blanket over her, and took her soup to the kitchen. He grabbed a branch with blood on it, and stared at it. He glanced at Angelina "It didn't have to be this way, my dear. It could've been simple. We could've lived without you knowing." Malikai looked at the hole in Angelina's shirt, and threw it out "She can't find out about that." He muttered.

Angelina's eyes opened, and she saw Zane. She looked at him confused "Zane?" She called out "Is that really you?" Zane looked at her, and smiled "Hi, Angelina." She looked next to him, and saw Brendan pouting "Hi," He whispered. Angelina nodded not knowing what to respond to him. Zane stared at Angelina for a second "Where have you been?" Angelina looked down, and away from him embarrassed "I don't know. I don't even know how I'm here." Angelina heard someone in the next room, and then she came out into the living room "The spell worked!" Angelina looked in the direction, and heard Nova, but saw an older woman instead of a younger one. Angelina raised her eyebrows "And you are?" Nova rolled her eyes, and whispered something, her youngness sprung into her body, and her face 'It's Nova, silly!" Angelina smiled when she saw it was her "What spell did you mean?" Nova looked at Zane, and at Angelina "Well, right now you're astral projecting right now. I'm not really sure how I did it. It's more of a when you're willing, and when you're an asleep type of thing." Angelina chuckled, and sighed "Well, than I'm going to be here for a very long time."

Zane looked at Angelina confused "What do you mean?" Angelina looked down at her clothes, which she just now noticed. A shaggy top, and shaggy bottoms. She gagged "Ew! This is not something I'd ever wear. Someone kill me, please," Zane, and Brendan rolled their eyes, and laughed. Angelina looked back and forth between Brendan, and Zane. She was shocked to see both of them "Well how have you been?" Nova asked her. Angelina shook her head "It's just weird. I don't feel like myself anymore. Before I fell asleep Malikai out me under a sleeping curse." Zane looked at Angelina "Do you know what the date is?" She looked at him confused "Isn't it April?" Zane shook his head "It's July 23rd." Angelina's mouth opened in shock "You're joking." Brendan shook his head "We've been trying to find you for four months, Angelina." Angelina shook her head "It's only been a week for me." Nova thought to herself "Wait, what did you see?"

Angelina shook her head not wanting to remember. Nova held onto her arm "Angelina it's okay, the faster you tell me, the faster I can figure out how to get you out." Angelina closed her eyes "It's a cottage. A-a cottage in the middle of nowhere. There's a little garden out in the front." She smiled remembering when her, and her mom tried to make a garden, but the plants died after a week. Angelina opened her mouth to speak, but soon felt her airway being cut off. Zane looked at Nova, and Angelina "Nova do something! Now!" Nova looked at Angelina, and gripped onto her arm, Nova could feel Angelina's magic overpowering her. Nova looked at Zane, and pointed outside "Angelina I'm going to need you to scream!"

The Dawn of The CursedTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang