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Angelina looked out of the window "Ang are you okay?" Cassie asked her. Angelina shook her head "sorry what?" Cassie laughed to play off that she was worrying "i asked if you did the homework," Angelina went in her book-bag, and handed the paper to her "yeah, here," Cassie looked it over, and looked shocked "you actually did your homework? that's uhm wow," Angelina rolled her eyes as Cassie handed it back "i always do it, i just turn it in before class normally." Angelina looked at the clock waiting for class to be over.

as soon as the bell rang, Angelina basically ran out of the class to talk to Jess. Jess looked worried, but instantly calmed her face, and her tone when Angelina pointed it out "Angelina, are you sure it was her?" Angelina looked around then back at Jess so no one would notice "yeah, i'm 100% sure it was Lexi, i don't even know how she's still alive. that doesn't even make sense." Jess looked at her phone, and just stared at her lock screen "do you know anyone who's a vampire? you could explain to them what happened, and see how she's alive." Angelina shook her head and laughed "there's no way in hell i could do that..." she hushed her voice "in order to do that i have to explain that fire came out of my hands, i don't even know how that's even possible. it shouldn't be possible." Jess looked at Angelina and put her hand on Angelinas shoulder "Angelina, look it's okay, you don't have to tell them anything you don't want to, alright?" Angelina looked at her, and unlocked her locker she turned to Jess again "you haven't told anyone about what i did, right?" Jess shook her head "of course not, if i did then you would be able to tell my secret, and well no one would believe either of us, but at the same time they might."

Angelina grabbed her notebook for art class, she faced Jess again "we shouldn't talk about this over the phone, or on texts, and definitely not while we're in school." Jess looked at Angelina confused "why not?" Angelina pointed at her ear "well if there's more they can hear us without being close to us." Jess raised her eyebrow "that's creepy," Angelina laughed "i guess..." she looked at Jess confused "wait you can't hear like that?" Jess shook her head "no, it's only when i'm in well wolf form." Angelina looked at her hands "it only happens when i'm mad," Jess looked at her confused "what do you..." she looked at where Angelina was looking "oh, well that's normal. at least i think. i can only do mine when i'm angry, or if i need to, it hurts to do it though." Angelina stopped looking at her hands, and looked at Jess "it hurts?" Jess nodded "well every single one of my bones are breaking, so yes it hurts," Jess laughed, as she shuddered remembering the pain. Jess shook it off, and stopped at Angelinas class "well text me or call me if she calls you or texts you again, and maybe tell your vampire about what happened." Angelina nodded.

the class went by very slow, Angelina kept looking at the time, but it would only go up by one or two minutes every time she looked at it. she tried focusing on drawing the moon, which is what they were doing in class. Angelina was good at drawing, she would always draw, and do anything that had to do with art, until Brendan left. she stopped doing things she liked because he liked them, and she wanted to forget about him during the time. Angelina started playing with the bracelet Brendan gave her before he left. Angelina looked at her hand, and noticed she was doing this, and stopped doing it. she looked at the bracket confused i didn't even know i had this on, when did i put it on? did anyone notice i was doing that? she looked around for a second, but tried to make it seem like she was bored. which in reality she was, and wanted something to happen without it being vampire related. she looked at her teacher, and then at her teachers desk. Angelina noticed there was a coffee cup with no lid on it, and that her teacher wasn't near her desk. Angelina looked at the cup, and focused on it really hard, and that's when it broke causing the coffee to go all over her teachers desk, and glass going on the floor.

her teacher looked by her desk then at the students. her teacher looked really confused, and just laughed awkwardly, and smiled "well that's weird, i mean it was hot so maybe that was it," her teacher just stood there not really knowing what to say, or do. Angelina looked at her teacher "Mrs. Synk the glass can be dangerous if we touch it, or if it touches us." Mrs. Synk looked at Angelina, and smiled awkwardly "well yes, but your desks are far from my desk." Angelina stood up "i think we should be able to leave class early, if the glass were to touch us you could be sued, Mrs. Synk." Mrs. Synk stared at her for a second "i mean, i guess you guys can go. leave your projects here though so i can keep them here."

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