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Angelina pulled the pencil out of her sleeves and stabbed his arm with it "oh, you fucking bitch. you'll pay for that!" Angelina rushed Cassie into the store and felt her pocket buzz a lot. 26 missed called from Brendan.  holy shit.


Angelina don't answer that.
Angelina where are you?
You're not at school.
Please tell me you're okay
look i'm sorry if you're mad at me, okay? just please answer.
that guy is not someone you want to talk to, he's worse than me, and will do worse stuff than i have to you, to anyone even.
he'd hurt you if he got the chance.
please tell me you're at least somewhere safe, with someone you trust.

well i met your crazy relative. he grabbed my armed n i stabbed him with a pencil. Cassie n i are certainly hiding at Bens Beers & and Things. Zane? is that who it is? he mentioned you. he seems fucking creepy as shit.

oh my god thank god, you're okay. did he hurt you? did he do anything to you? to your friend?

other than grabbing my arm that was it. who is he really? all of your 'friends' that i've met were chill with me, they were nice, and didn't really give a fuck about anything they were just calm.

he's well my brother. ever since he found out about you he's wanted you. i had my friend make you not be reachable, but i guess it wore off after time. we thought he was dead or long gone. he hasn't contacted anyone in a year.

is this the dude that was being weird in the woods when we were hanging out? is that how he found us because of what you guys are?

yes, i should've told you way earlier. when i told you what i was that's when i should've told you. i'm sorry that i didn't. just be cautious of where you go, and who you talk to from now on.

Cassie grabbed her arm "okay, i got the stuff." Angelina looked up at her with a worried look "what's wrong? is it about that guy?" Angelina shook her head "look don't worry about him, he deserved what he got Angelina. he's a fucking weirdo." Angelina nodded "yeah, you could say that." Cassie laughed "when he looked at you, he looked at your neck, and he looked like he was hungry or something. i could've been imagining. it was just weird" Angelina wanted to say you're not weird, you're correct but she ended up saying "yeah, just don't worry about it he doesn't matter to us." she shook it off as they went to the register "is this all?" asked the old guy that always checks out Cassies boobs, and that's why they don't have to id. Cassie nodded and handed her card to him. Angelina looked in the back "get me two packs" Cassie looked at her and nodded at the old guy. he went over to the shelf and pointed at the ones Angelinas eyes were really focused on "these ones?" she nodded "thank you" and she chuckled.

Cassie held the door for Angelina as they walked out "what was that about?" she asked Angelina. Angelina looked at her "what do you mean?" Cassie handed her the two packs "you've never been that 'interested' in cigarettes before." Angelina laughed because it was Brendans favorite smell "i just got a lot going on, you know i smoke when i'm anxious and shit." she laughed trying to play it off. Cassie didn't care thankfully for Angelina, as she started talking about some guy she met in the park "Ryan," is the thing that caught Angelinas attention "wait what did you say?" Cassie rolled her eyes "he had these blue eyes that were..." Angelina cut her off "no, his name, Cassie. what was it?"

Cassie looked at her confused "his name was Ryan, i don't know why you xare your man is back in town to save the day as fucking normal." Angelina looked at her and scoffed "what the fuck does that mean?" Cassie started laughing and opened one of the bottles of vodka and took a sip of it "well you see when you were bleeding the fuck our, your dumb boyfriend did something that stopped you from fucking dying. and then he goes away, and you went down this dark little hole..." she took another sip "and he was gone, for how long? a fucking year, and now you're all happy, and calm, and he shows up. to ruin every goddamn thing we've worked for. it's all fucking gone because of some dude that can't keep his junk in his pants." Angelina slapped her "shut the actual fuck up. you don't know shit. you act like you're all hot shit, wanna talk about your legs? wanna talk about why you no longer can wear short sleeves? you're not the only one with baggage, Cassie. i noticed your hairs starting to come out very easily. might want to go to a hospital for that sweetie." Angelina took the two bottles that she paid for, and walked away. Cassie started calling for her, but Angelina cared less about her right now.

forgetting about the acid she took, and the vodka she drank this morning she started stumbling, but quickly pulled herself together knowing that if she didn't something might happen to her or Brendan, but he can take care of himself, while she can't, and obviously if something had happened to her he would kill the person that touched her, but she quickly felt his presence as she entered the woods farther "Brendan?" she called out, but got no answer so he's leaving again? just like that? she called his name again with no hope, and this time she heard something. someone in pain. she ran towards the noise, and saw Brendan laying down holding his hand to his chest, he was wincing in pain. Angelina was confused how can he even be hurt? that doesn't make any sense. isn't the whole point of him being what it is, is that he can't be hurt? she shook it off and ran towards him.

Angelina automatically looked at the wound "how are you hurt? i thought you couldn't get hurt? how is this possible?" Brendan laughed "it doesn't matter what i am, i can still get hurt. immortal beings can still feel things, and bleed. we're just harder to kill." Angelina looked at where he was holding a branch looking thing was stabbed into him "who did this?" he laughed "take a wild ass guess." Angelina rolled her eyes "Zane? also how do i get this out?" Brendan grabbed it and pulled it out. she looked at the wound as it quickly healed "how did it do that?" he laughed "i'm a vampire silly, i heal fast duh." she rolled her eyes "yeah of course."

Brendan stood up "so... about this Carter dude, what should i do about him?" Angelina laughed "idk bite him" she said as a joke, but she noticed quickly he wasn't joking "oh... uh.. nothing it's okay." he shook his head "no, seriously, you don't deserve that in any way." Angelina shrugged "no really it's okay, he'll delete it." she picked up the two packs of cigarettes, and the two vodka bottles. Brendan glared at her "since when do you drink? or smoke even? you made me quit because you hated the idea of it." Angelina rolled her eyes "i changed a lot since you left, Brendan. a lot has changed. everyone has changed. no ones the same as they used to be."

The Dawn of The CursedTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon